Conferences and Events

On revisionist conferences and other events. (Papers presented at such functions are not included here, unless they deal with the event itself; papers on other topics can be found in their respective category.)

The Hoax Ends the Twentieth Century

Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is now Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is the author of numerous technical papers….

The Adelaide Institute Conference

For some time now, Australia has been one of the most dynamic battlefields in the worldwide struggle against the historical blackout. And at the forefront of the battle there is the Adelaide Institute, which publishes an important revisionist newsletter and maintains an information-packed Internet web site. Centered in South Australia’s largest city, and funded by…

The Weber-Shermer Debate: A Step Forward

When I first learned of the debate between IHR Director Mark Weber and Skeptic magazine editor-publisher Dr. Michael Shermer, I was delighted that a member of the “accepted media” had finally agreed publicly to confront Holocaust revisionist arguments. Viewing the event on videotape, I was even more pleased at the cordial and scholarly atmosphere that…

Defying Powerful Adversaries, Institute Marks Progress

From across the United States and several foreign countries, scholars, activists, and friends of the Institute for Historical Review met over the September 3–5 weekend in southern California for the IHR’s landmark Twelfth International Revisionist Conference. This Conference, one of the most spirited and successful ever, featured leading figures in the growing international revisionist movement….

Revisionist Historians and Activists to Meet for Twelfth IHR Conference

From across the United States and several foreign countries, scholars, activists and friends of the Institute for Historical Review will meet over the September 3-5 weekend in southern California for the IHR's Twelfth International Revisionist Conference. As announced in the May-June Journal, this forthcoming Conference will feature some of the most prominent figures in the…

Twelfth IHR Conference Set for September [1994]

Scholars, activists and friends of the Institute for Historical Review are scheduled to meet over Labor Day weekend, September 3-5, in southern California for the IHR's Twelfth International Revisionist Conference. Highlighting the roster of speakers will be bestselling historian David Irving, French revisionist scholar Robert Faurisson, and German-Canadian revisionist activist Ernst Zündel. Closer Cooperation This…

Reviewing a Year of Progress

Since our last conference in February 1989, the entire world has been joyful witness to dramatic and almost unbelievable historical events in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Above all, we have seen the breakdown of Soviet Communism, and with it, the end of Soviet domination of eastern Europe. These world-historical events, which were all…

Encountering the Revisionists

“Nazism is dead and gone, together with its Führer. There remains today the truth. Let us dare to tell it publicly. The non-existence of the ‘gas chambers’ is good news for humanity. Good news that it would be wrong to keep hidden any longer”—Robert Faurisson John Sack, “Inside the Bunker”, Esquire, February 2001, p. 98….

Pyrrhic Victory over Revisionism

In April 2004 the European-American Culture Council (EACC) had planned to hold a conference in Sacramento, the capital of California. It was going to be the most impressive conference of recent years. The gathering was sponsored by the Australian Adelaide Institute, conducted by Dr. Fredrick Toben. Aside from some well-known historians, all of whom were…

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