

New Revisionist Quarterly is Launched in Europe

We are pleased to report the imminent appearance of a brand-new, scholarly revisionist journal, the German-language Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung (literally, Quarterly for Free Historical Research). Publisher of the VffG is the estimable Flemish revisionist house Stiftung Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (Foundation for Free Historical Inquiry [see SR38, December 1996, “Revisionism Rampant Round the Globe,” p….

SR Worldscope on Revisionism and Revisionists

Publication of David Irving’s Goebbels by Lyle Stuart’s Barricade Press set for August, according to the 10 February issue of Publisher’s Weekly, bible of the book industry. Despite Stuart’s record of publishing outre books (such as Dr. William Pierce’s sanguinary Turner Diaries), we’ll believe it when we see it. Latest from the Northwestern front: a…

Revisionist Focus: Verlag der Freunde

In last issue’s “Revisionism Rampant ‘round the Globe,” which we aim to make a periodical update on what revisionist individuals and groups are accomplishing and enduring worldwide, we stated that the Verlag der Freunde, a Berlin-based outfit, published Nazi materials, including an SS song book. On December 11, we received a letter from Andreas Roehler,…

The Japanese Schindler

Recently our Japanese friend. Aiji Kimura (see, most recently, SR 37, November 1996), sent us a copy of the first issue of his newsletter, called (in English) Journal for Historical Review. We can’t read Japanese, and thus can’t decipher the newsletter—all the more frustrating because its first page includes a headline in English: “Rife with…

Special IHR Meeting

David Irving will be the main speaker at the Marriott Suites hotel in Costa Mesa on 7 September at this IHR “Mini-conference.” I will speak as well, while Mark Weber will report on recent revisionist news. While most attendees will be from the Southern California area, others are flying in from the mid-West for the…

How Money Almost Killed Revisionism

The opponents of revisionism—not counting the billion-dollar reparations programs—collect and spend as much money in a week as all the world’s revisionists in a year. If in 2014, revisionism commanded as much as a whole million dollars , the Holocaust memorials and theme parks, genocide-studies departments of a hundred universities, and anti-Semitism monitors of a…

State Department Acknowledges Pressure on Lebanon to Cancel Revisionist Meeting

The State Department has finally acknowledged that the United States government pressured Lebanon to ban a peaceful four-day meeting that was to be held in Beirut in the spring of 2001. Gregg Sullivan, a spokesman for the Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, confirmed during telephone conversations with IHR director Mark Weber on December 10…

The 14th IHR Conference: Confident Spirit Marks Successful Meeting

Phillip Tourney Tony Martin autographs a book for an admirer. Conference MC Greg Raven holds up two books by Tony Martin. Mark Weber makes a point during his keynote address. Tom Sunic Joseph Sobran Jürgen Graf speaks with Robert Faurisson during a break, as Fredrick Toben and others look on. Michele Renouf and Joe Sobran…

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