
On organizations dealing with the Holocaust; their history, mission, activities, and events, both revisionist and exterminationist.

CODOH vs. the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

From its inception, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has been a target for Bradley Smith and CODOH. And even before it opened in 1993, the Museum’s spokespersons and allies were boosting the USHMM as the cure for Holocaust revisionism—and CODOH’s Campus Project. In May, 1992 the newsletter of the future USHMM quoted Professor Deborah Lipstadt…

CODOH Takes Aim at the Ivy League with a Blockbuster Debunking of the Holocaust Museum

A fake Hitler quote which has the Fuehrer ordering the extermination of Polish civilians. A non-existent Hitler order to exterminate the Jews. Misrepresentation of installations designed to save lives as gas chambers for killing Jews. These and many more falsifications of historical fact are on display at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s permanent exhibit as…

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Fakes Famous Niemoeller Quote

The South Bend Tribune’s lengthy feature story on the IUSB student journalists’ visit to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum ended with a quote attributed to Martin Niemoeller, the German Protestant clergyman famous for his opposition to Hitler. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then…


The indomitable David Irving moved forward with his libel suit against exterminationist scold-in-chief Deborah Lipstadt. Lipstadt, now a professor at Emory University (Atlanta), maligned Irving's standing as a historian and bashed him as an extremist and “Holocaust denier” in her book Denying the Holocaust. Irving, who unlike Lipstadt has been writing best-selling books on real…


Dr. Frederick Toben and his associates at the Adelaide Institute pulled off (it seems we revisionists always need to put it that way) a very successful conference in their home base of Adelaide, Australia August 7-9. The numerous revisionists able to attend in person, or who participated by telephone, or who were unable to attend…

Internet Roundup

A favorite tactic of Holocaust cultists has been to exploit the power of images—photographic and “artistic”—to convey and suggest the horrors, real or imaginary, of the Holocaust. Oftentimes our opponents have resorted to miscaptioned or misleading photos to, in the words of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), “counter the hate-mongers and revisionists.” So…


Ingrid Weckert, author of Flashpoint, a probing revisionist study of the “Kristallnacht” affair, has just been convicted in Germany. Her crime? A literary comparison of the diaries of a wartime concentration camp inmate with those of a German soldier imprisoned by the American forces at Dachau after the war. Federal German judges have decreed that…


Recent issues of Vierteljahreshefte fuer freie Geschichtsforschung (Quarterly for Free Historical Research), the Belgian-published, German-language revisionist review that shines as one of the world's best, contain various articles under CODOH bylines: Samuel Crowell, on the technique and operation of German air-raid shelters during WWII (including his devastating critique of the Majdanek door offered as the…


SR reader Bill Jefferson faxes me a printout from the University of Notre Dame Holocaust Project. On April 26th there will be a conference: “Humanity at the Limit: The Impact of the Holocaust Experience on Christians and Jews.” Speakers include Saul Friedlander (UCLA and University of Tel Aviv), John Pawlikowski (Catholic Theology Union) and Rev….

Internet Roundup

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) of Los Angeles has once again smeared and slurred revisionists. It should come as no surprise to readers of Smith’s Report that SWC has done so by its continued hateful misuse of the “hate” label. Working from its own volatile equation (Hate + Fear = $), the SWC has now…

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