
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

The Campus Project

After bemoaning the fact that the Campus Project had been undercut irreversibly for the 1994 / 1995 school year, toward the end of March I received some unexpected funding for it. I suggested as much in the letter for April that you should have received. It was very late in the season, but we managed…

The College Press

U. The National College Magazine, February 1995 He’s Ad It Again When then-production editor Brian McBrearity walked into Boston College’s student newspaper offices one day in December 1993, he had no idea of the trouble waiting. That morning, The Heights had run a paid advertisement from the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. In…

Revisionist Materials

The following advertisement of material CODOH used to distribute is no longer valid, since CODOH does not currently possess any of these materials. We post it here only because it was printed in this issue of Smith's Report. Editor's remark. While CODOH is not a publisher, it's activities do produce documents and other materials which…


In the last issue of SR I announced excitedly that I had my own radio talk show on W.A.L.E.-AM in Providence Rhode Island. It appeared to be an unmatched opportunity to promote revisionist theory on radio. I fully expected to develop an audience quickly, to cause a scandal all over the Northeast, become a national…

U. The National College Magazine

Student journalists at Northwestern and University of Oregon, a professor of communications at University of Miami, and a student editor at Western Michigan tell me they are doing papers or projects on CODOH's Campus Project. The piece by the Western Michigan reporter will appear in part in U. The National College Magazine, in its January…


“Revising the Twentieth Century” by John Lukacs appeared in the September 1994 issue of American Heritage. It discusses four waves of revisionism occurring during the century, the most recent coming from the “so-called right” and beginning in the mid-1980s in Germany. The “main figures have been German professional historians who, while unwilling to whitewash Hitler…

ADL Dedicates Booklet to CODOH

“Holocaust Denial, A Pocket Guide,” published be the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, is forthrightly intended to short-circuit the success the Campus Project is having on college campuses. The booklet was prepared by Marc Caplan, Research Analyst, and Alan M. Schwartz. Director, of the Anti-Defamation League's “Research and Evaluation Department.” Its opening paragraph reads: “One…

Offense or Defense?

One Sunday afternoon in December I was sprawled over the living room sofa channel surfing with our TV changer when I came across a CNN replay of an orientation meeting for the newly elected Republican members of the U.S. Congress. Speakers Bill Bennett and Rush Limbaugh were sharing the podium. Bennett got my attention when…

A Dangerous New Axis Emerges in the United States and Russia

Edgar M. Bronfman, president of the World Jewish Congress, is circulating a fund-raising letter tying together CODOH's Campus Project and—I'm not joking here—the “rise of Vladimir Zhirinovsky” in Russia. The Jewish community is being frightened with the prospect of a new axis of power as Vladimir and Smith forge an international alliance to weigh evidence…

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