
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

Internet Web Site Offers Instant Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. A listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal enables callers to quickly search for titles and authors. New…

Internet Web Site Offers Instant Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. A listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal enables callers to quickly search for titles and authors. New…

Internet Web Site Offers Instant Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. A listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal enables callers to quickly search for titles and authors. New…

Internet Web Site Offers Instant Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. A listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal enables callers to quickly search for titles and authors. New…

Internet Web Site Offers Instant Worldwide Access to Revisionism

“What arguments can I find by Maimonedes and Rabbi Elezar ben Shamoua to oppose Zündel?” A cartoon in the French weekly Rivarol (Feb. 2, 1996) pokes fun at Jewish frustration over the remarkable Internet impact of revisionists such as German-Canadian Ernst Zündel. Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available…

Internet “Web Site” Offers Instant Worldwide Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. Also included is a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, allowing callers to quickly search for titles…

New IHR Web-Site and E-Mail Addresses

Through his personal Internet Web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including IHR Journal articles and reviews and IHR leaflets. Also included is a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, allowing callers to quickly search for titles…

The Institute in the News

In addition to the attention generated because of the impact of its materials on the Internet, the Institute for Historical Review has been attracting other recent media attention. A few highlights: A brief but error-packed item about the Institute appeared prominently in The Washington Post, May 11, under the headline “The Neo-Nazi Network.” With blatant…

Revisionist Global Computer Outreach

The emergence and rapid growth of the “information superhighway” computer network as a vast global communications forum is dramatically transforming the nature of the international struggle for truth in history and for our basic freedoms. Contributing greatly to the phenomenal growth of the already huge “cyberspace” computer link-up is the Internet, a worldwide network of…

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