
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

CODOH Campus Ads Shake Holocaust Lobby from Los Angeles to Jerusalem

CODOH’s Campus Project, which took off with a roar at the start of the school year in September, surged ahead in October. The attention-getting $25OK reward offer for setting up a TV debate with the ADL has now run at over a score of colleges and universities across America, in publications with a combined circulation…


You never know when you will suffer a small epiphany. I was telling Bill Jefferson, one of my more critical volunteer advisors, about how the Georgia State Signal has been a rock over the past few years, steadfastly publishing CODOH advertisements and bearing up under criticism from the Georgia press and the Lobby again and…

At Deadline

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). The Daily Bruin has ran a column (26 August) headlined “Propaganda Denies Holocaust Occurred.” The columnist, Julianne Sohn, tells us that the flyer “serves as an advertisement for two groups of Holocaust and Historical Revisionists, the Committee or Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) and the Institute for…

Internet Roundup

Last issue, we announced the launching of the CODOH Bulletin Board into cyberspace (SR 56). Those who cannot visit CODOHWeb for lack of access to the Internet may well wonder what he was talking about. The CODOH “BBS,” or Bulletin Board, marks yet another first for revisionism. CODOH’s drive for open debate on the Holocaust…


Did the Holocaust exist? Did the SS trade down Jewish escapees from Treblinka with helicopters? Are revisionists anti-Semitic? What ever became of Herschel Grynszpan? To each of these questions, to many others large and small, indeed to any and all questions that extermmatiomsts, revisionists and, above all, those in between, ask on the Holocaust and…

Of Dracula and Chia Pets

A column in the Jewish World (March 27-April 1998) gives a revealing, behind-the-scenes glimpse at how professional censors within the Jewish community think and operate against CODOH and the Campus Project. Writer Mik Moore edits New Voices, a publication of the Jewish Student Press Service, and is a recent graduate of Vassar. That last bit…


SR reader Bill Jefferson faxes me a printout from the University of Notre Dame Holocaust Project. On April 26th there will be a conference: “Humanity at the Limit: The Impact of the Holocaust Experience on Christians and Jews.” Speakers include Saul Friedlander (UCLA and University of Tel Aviv), John Pawlikowski (Catholic Theology Union) and Rev….

Internet Roundup

Last month CODOHWeb was pleased to add yet another language to its ever expanding International page. Working through a friend of CODOH in Turkey, we received a complete text of Harun Yahya’s revisionist book, Holocaust Deception: The Secret History of the Nazi-Zionist Alliance and the Inside Story of the Jewish Holocaust Deception. Posting the entire…


At Swarthmore College the beat goes on (thanks, Sonny). The liberal paper on campus, The L-Word, devotes most of its issue this month to the controversy precipitated by the distribution on campus of our leaflet The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate. First there was the shock of the leaflet itself. Then The Phoenix,…

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