

Spielberg’s Nazis

"Cartoon Nazis" Joseph Sobran is a lecturer, nationally-syndicated columnist and former National Review senior editor and critic-at-large. This commentary is taken from columns that originally appeared in the Dec. 23, Feb. 3, and April 7 issues of The Wanderer, a traditionalist Roman Catholic weekly. Richard Cohen of The Washington Post writes that he is "written-out…

Leon Degrelle

Leon Degrelle, combat hero of the Second World War, political leader, author and friend of the Institute for Historical Review, died March 31 [1994] in the southern Spanish city of Malaga. He was 87. Degrelle was born on June 15, 1906, into a prosperous Catholic family in Bouillon, Belgium. As a young man, he was…

Swindler’s List

A Prophecy Doug Collins Prophecy is risky. But today [March 9] I prophesy that the Steven Spielberg movie “Schindler's List” will run away with the Academy Awards. I make that forecast without having seen it and without having any intention of doing so, since it must be the 555th movie or TV program on the…

The Enigma of Hitler

In the following essay Leon Degrelle provides a good example of his writing style and historical perspective. He writes about Adolf Hitler – a man he knew personally and to whom he had sworn an unconditional oath of obedience – not as a dispassionate historian, but as a devoted admirer. Himself one of this century's…

Twelfth IHR Conference Set for September [1994]

Scholars, activists and friends of the Institute for Historical Review are scheduled to meet over Labor Day weekend, September 3-5, in southern California for the IHR's Twelfth International Revisionist Conference. Highlighting the roster of speakers will be bestselling historian David Irving, French revisionist scholar Robert Faurisson, and German-Canadian revisionist activist Ernst Zündel. Closer Cooperation This…

Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List. Based on the novel by Thomas Keneally. Screenplay by Steven Zaillian. Director of Photography, Janusz Kaminski. Music by John Williams. Produced by Steven Spielberg, Gerald R. Molen and Branko Lustig. Directed by Steven Spielberg. Universal Pictures. An Amblin Entertainment production. MPAA rating “R.” Running time: 185 minutes. Even before its release, reports in…

Novel Traces Wartime Exodus of German Mennonites

The Wanderers, by Ingrid Rimland. Stockton, Calif.: Crystal Books (2731 Lost Creek Court, Stockton, CA 95207), 1988. Softcover. 304 pages. Most Journal readers are at least sketchily aware of the vast and criminal expulsions of more than 14 million Germans from their ancestral homes in the heart of Europe, planned, ordered, and facilitated by American,…

The “European New Right”: Defining and Defending Europe’s Heritage

Charting Europe’s Future in the ‘Post Postwar’ Era In the following essay and interview, Professor Warren takes a close look at the “European New Right,” a cultural-intellectual movement that offers not only an unconventional view of the past, but a challenging perspective on the present and future. This piece admittedly represents a departure from the…

American Historian Looks At “Ethnic Cleansing” of Germans

The German Expellees: Victims in War and Peace, by Alfred-Maurice de Zayas. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. 200 pages. 24 Photographs. Map. Notes. Bibliography. Index. ISBN 0-312-09097-8. (Available from the IHR for $35.00, plus $2.00 shipping.) Robert Clive is the pen name of an American specialist of the political, diplomatic and military history of…

Comprehensive Biography Examines Lives of Indian Nationalist Leaders

Brothers Against the Raj: A Biography of Indian Nationalists Sarat and Subhas Chandra Bose, by Leonard A. Gordon. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. Softcover. 807 pages. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $25.00. ISBN 0-231-07443-3. Srinidhi Anantharamiah was born in 1967 in Bombay, India. He holds a bachelor's degree from Rutgers University (business, 1989), and a…

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