

The Hossbach “Protocol': The Destruction of a Legend

Das Hossbach-'Protokoll': Die Zerstörung einer Legende (The Hossbach 'Protocol': The Destruction of a Legend) by Dankwart Kluge. Leoni am Starnberger See: Druffel Verlag, 1980, 168pp, DM 19.80, ISBN 3-80611003-4. Hitler, we're told over and over again, set out to conquer the world, or at least Europe. At the great postwar Nuremberg Tribunal the victorious Allies…

Who Are the Palestinians?

Since Mr. Hadawi's paper was prepared for the IHR's 1982 Chicago conference, much of a one-sided and devastating nature has transpired in the Middle East. Particularly, the world witnessed with mounting horror the massive invasion of Lebanon carried out by Israeli “Defense” Forces allegedly in response to one of their own being slain elsewhere. But…

A Note From The Editor

Few discussions of the specific topic “Roosevelt and the Origins of World War II” pay much attention to events before 1 September 1939. At most some preliminary words are uttered about the development of Roosevelt's thoughts and policy in the 1930s: his increasing concern, once the New Deal became firmly ensconced and especially after he…

Defeat in the East

Defeat in the East: Russia Conquers – January to May 1945, by Jürgen Thorwald, edited and translated by Fred Wieck, Bantam Books, Pb, 292pp with maps and drawings, $2.50, ISBN 0-553-13469-8. Most of the actual fighting during the Second World War took place on the Eastern Front between the Soviet Union and Germany and her…

Isolationists in the Cold War Era

Not to the Swift: The Old Isolationists in the Cold War Era, by Justus D. Doenecke, Bucknell University Press, Hardback, $17.50, ISBN 0-8387-1940-6. Justus D. Doenecke's book is a veritable gold-mine of information for the serious scholar of Revisionist historiography. Although lacking the minute detail of a similar work, James J. Martin's American Liberalism and…

Rassinier to “The Nation'

1 October 1962 Dear Editor: I would like to make a few comments about the book review by Ernest Zaugg (The Nation, 14 July 1962) dealing with my three books about the German concentration camps, the responsibility for World War II and the Eichmann trial (The Lie of Ulysses, Ulysses Betrayed by his Fellows, and…

Witness to the Holocaust

Witness to the Holocaust, by Azriel Eisenberg, The Pilgrim Press, 649pp, $17.95, ISBN 0-8298-0432-3 Witness to the Holocaust is a collection of “eyewitness accounts of a brutal period in history,” compiled and edited by Dr. Azriel Eisenberg, “a leading Jewish scholar,” who has provided introductions to each of the 27 chapters and to many of…

Admission of MAGIC Demolishes FDR’s Claim of Surprise

We now come to the critical twenty-four hour period before the attack. What did the leaders in Washington know? When did they know it? What did they do about it? Unfortunately, the testimony is a jumbled mass of contradictions. Most witnesses swore under oath that they had performed their duties. Nonetheless, valuable hours were lost…

Doenitz at Nuremberg

Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal, edited by H.K. Thompson, Jr. and Henry Strutz, preface by Justice William L. Hart, Amber Publishing (available from the IHR), Hb, 230pp heavily illustrated $11.00, ISBN 0-916788-01-6. This exceptionally comprehensive book was dedicated to Admiral Karl Doenitz, “a naval officer of unexcelled ability and unequalled courage who, in his nation's…

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