

Fire Signs

Feuerzeichen: Die “Reichskristallnacht”, Anstifter und Brandstifter – Opfer und Nutzniesser (Fire Signs: “Reich Crystal Night”, Inciters and Incendiaries, Victims and Beneficiariies), by Ingrid Weckert, Grabert Verlag, Tübingen, 1981, 281pp with appendix, annotated bibliography, index, clothbound, 29.80 DM, ISBN 3-87847-052-5. No single event so drastically changed relations between Germans and Jews in modern times than the…

On the Uses of History

I suppose that one can become rather pessimistic and discouraged. at the way the objective truth is distorted and hidden for the purposes of political and economic interests, but there is a Profound lesson to be learned from the fact that it is, and there is no reason for discouragement if we learn from the…

The Enigma of Lawrence

T.E. Lawrence was born in North Wales on 15 August 1888. He was the illegitimate son of Sir Thomas Chapman, an Anglo-Irish baronet. His mother was Scottish. He became a legend in his own time as Lawrence of Arabia-a brilliant active life which ended in a motorcycle “accident” when he was only 46. Many famous…

Three Assessments of the Infamy of December 7. 1941

At Dawn We Slept: The Untold Story of Pearl Harbor by Gordon W. Prange, in collaboration with Donald M. Goldstein and Katherine V. Dillon, McGraw Hill, 889pp, $22.95. The Pacific War, by John Costello, Rawson Wade, 742pp, $24.00. Infamy, by John Toland, Doubleday, 366pp, $17.95. The Pearl Harbor disaster marks much more than the worst…

A Memoir of Globaloney, Orwellianism and Dead Sea Fruit

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: A Critical Examination of the Foreign Policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Its Aftermath. Edited by Harry Elmer Barnes, with the collaboration of William Henry Chamberlin, Percy L. Greaves, Jr., George A. Lundberg, George Morgenstern, William L. Neumann, Frederic R. Sanborn, and Charles Callan Tansill. Second, expanded edition, Torrance, California:…


2 February 1981 Dear Editor: Having read Dr. Stein's article in the last (winter) issue of The JHR, I felt compelled to inform you, that, although the article was informative, I do hope that The Journal's trend will not be in that direction. One apology is quite sufficient, for to continue in that direction will…

From the Editor

The fortieth anniversary last year of the Pearl Harbor disaster saw the publication within a short span of time of no less than three substantial books all claiming to shed important new fight on the subject. Only one of them really did-John Toland's Infamy. Percy L. Greaves, Jr. – an authority who knows probably more…

Paris in the Third Reich

Paris in the Third Reich: A History of the German Occupation, 1940-1944 by David Pryce-Jones. New York: Holt, Rinehart &Winston, 1981, x + 294 pages, 116 photographs, $25.00, ISBN 0-03-045621-5. The claim that thousands of Parisians were members of the anti-Nazi “Resistance”[*] is an aspect of the Second World War that has come under increasing…

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