

Letters to the Editor

(Click to enlarge) Re.: D. Bartling, “Why the United States Reject the International Criminal Court,” TR, 1(3) (2003), pp. 301-308. Dear Sir: Your article on the American refusal to join the ICC brought to mind an incident years ago. During the war I spent a short time on Samar in the Philippines and while there…

Robert Faurisson and Revisionism in Italy

In August 1979, the well-established magazine “Storia Illustrata” published an interview given to Antonio Pitamitz by Robert Faurisson,[1] which has become a milestone along the road of historical revisionism. At the time, I had already started to devote myself to revisionism, and through this text with its clear, essential, and convincing statements I really became…

Scientists against Science

I am a Swede, born in 1919 in Finland, and I spent my childhood and adolescence in a couple of small towns within the Swedish speaking belt along the Gulf of Finland. As a member of a somewhat pushed-aside minority I soon realized the importance of legal rights for every individual in a community. I…

Three Revisionist Classics

Germar Rudolf, The Rudolf Report. Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, 456 pp., paperback, $30.- / hardcover, $45.-. Germar Rudolf (ed.), Dissecting The Holocaust. The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory’, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, 616 pp., paperback, $30. Arthur…

Upward and Onward

When I published my first revisionist book as a one-man-publisher back in late 1998 while still residing in England,[1] it took only a few months to get a very positive feedback from a well-known revisionist in the U.S., who was not only excited about such a fine study being written and published, but who also…

A Small Fraud that Betrays a Bigger Hoax

Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno, Concentration Camp Stutthof and Its Function in the National Socialist Jewish Policy, Theses and Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, 122 pp., $15.- Among the concentration camps of National Socialist Germany, Stutthof has remained something of a stepchild. Established near Danzig at the start of the Second World War (and under Polish control…

Book Notices

Ute Deichmann, Biologists under Hitler, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999, 488 pp. pb., $20.95. While careful to toe the prescribed historical line, Biologists under Hitler is a careful and capable study of the Third Reich’s biological research and researchers that cuts against the received version, often in surprising ways. Author Deichmann, a research fellow…

Jewish Involvement in Black American Affairs

The Nation of Islam (ed.), The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Historical Research Department, Springfield, MA, 334 pp. paperback, $19.95 Just about every year on the eve of the national holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, the mainstream media in the United States put forth numerous articles about the large Jewish involvement with…

Palm Trees Never Lie

The palm tree, known to botanists by the Latin name Phoenix dactylifera, is an ancient tree that has been grown in Iraq for thousands of years. There are about 450 varieties (cultivars) in Iraq. They vary in size, shape, and color. Scene from footage of U.S. Army as broadcast by world media, allegedly depicting U.S….

Robert Faurisson – A Long View

Great men do not need praise as much as they need an understanding of what they have done. I believe I have known Robert Faurisson longer than any other person currently active in 'Holocaust' revisionism, except for one relative of his, so it is incumbent on me to attempt to provide a long view of…

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