

Smith’s Report, no. 4, April 1991

Friend: Northwestern University The Northwestern Project is running like clockwork, just about like I predicted (see: Smith's Report #2 & #3). The CODOH Open Debate announcement has appeared in the Daily Northwestern once each week on Thursday since 11 January. During January after the Daily and the NW Review published a couple letters from me…


This report informs you of what I am doing personally to promote open debate on the Holocaust story. It does not attempt to monitor the Revisionist Movement. Smith's Report is published monthly except August and December and is sent free to those of you who help me with contributions, information or in other ways. It…

Conspiracy – the Umpteenth

Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, America West, Carson City, NV, 1992, 267 pp., $16.95. “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”—Benjamin Franklin One thing that strikes a student of the history of the United States is the trend toward expanding and centralizing the power…

Hundred Years of War against Germany

In August 1895, a series of articles began in the British weekly The Saturday Review, which called for the annihilation of Germany and whose disastrous greed for German plunder still reverberates to the present day. With the Second Reich, a German state came into being which was rapidly creating a modern economy which imperiled the…

Intelligence: Genetically Inherited or Learned Behavior?

The following is a press release recently issued by Dr. Paul M. Thompson about recent findings of his research team at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) about the influence of genetics on human intelligence. This information is one more argument fueling the long-lasting debate between the so-called behaviorist (egalitarian) school and the…

Revisionism in Russia

Russians Research into the ‘Holocaust’ Matter A German order to destroy Novgorod did not exist. The population suffered under Soviet bombings. Novgorod’s church treasures were robbed by the retreating Soviet troops, and its artifacts were sunk on a ship in the Wolchow River. The world famous Novgorod monument “Thousand Year Russia” was saved by the…

Revisionist Notebook

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Father Was a Nazi Storm Trooper; Anne Frank's Father Was a Nazi Collaborator and War Profiteer; Why Is One of these Stories Being Suppressed? Arnold Schwarzenegger's father, Gustav, volunteered for the 'brownshirts' in May 1939 – about "six months after the storm troopers helped launch Kristallnacht […] when Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues…

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