No. 2

Vol. 13, No. 2 · · 2021

Inconvenient History seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare.

To browse the contents of this issue, click on the individual papers listed below.

Book Announcements

Sonderkommando Auschwitz I Authored by Carlo Mattogno Carlo Mattogno, Sonderkommando Auschwitz I: Nine Eyewitness Testimonies Analyzed, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2021, 304 pages, 6”×9” paperback, bibliography, index, ISBN: 978-1-59148-258-1. Carlo Mattogno believes that witness statements are so unreliable that in the past he has refused to give them prominent attention by devoting major monographs to…

The Stupendous Failure of the Nazi Extermination Program

“The Nazis, for historical reasons, developed an ideology that led them, in 1941, to decide on the annihilation of every Jew, man, woman or child, they could lay their hands on.” This is a quotation from the “Conclusion” by Yehuda Bauer, summing up the anthology The Final Solution: Origins and Implementation (London 1994, p. 301)….

Filip Müller’s False Testimony, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 The following article was taken, with generous permission from Castle Hill Publishers, from Carlo Mattogno’s recently published study Sonderkom­mando Auschwitz I: Nine Eyewitness Testimonies Analyzed (Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, 2021; see the book announcements in this issue of Inconvenient History). In this book, it features as the…

Key Witness

Sometimes, I am not happy with the choices authors make when writing articles or books. One recent case is Carlo Mattogno’s book Sonderkommando Auschwitz I, which was just released in its first English edition. The book contains detailed critiques of the accounts of nine former Auschwitz inmate who all claimed to have worked as members…

IBM and the “Holocaust”: Where’s the Beef?

One of the most popular and well-researched books ever written on the “Holocaust” is IBM and the Holocaust, by investigative journalist Edwin Black. This book asks whether IBM (International Business Machines) was knowingly involved in the so-called Holocaust. Black concludes that IBM was knowingly involved, stating that his book “tells the story of IBM’s conscious…

Was Robert Oppenheimer a Soviet Agent?

Julius Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific head of the U.S. atomic-bomb project during World War II. Oppenheimer was a brilliant physicist whose contributions were essential for the successful development of the atomic bomb. Despite his outstanding performance in the Manhattan Project, Robert Oppenheimer’s reputation has been tainted by allegations that he knowingly passed secrets of the atomic bomb to Soviet agents. This article discusses the possible truth of these allegations.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: He Would Be Canceled in Today’s America

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) was one of the greatest literary and political figures of the 20th Century. For the first 25 years of his life, Solzhenitsyn was an ardent supporter of Vladimir Lenin’s Soviet Revolution.This article documents how Solzhenitsyn eventually became an outspoken critic of Soviet Communism, as well as his conclusion that Jews were primarily responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution.

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