

Imposed German Guilt: The Stuttgart Declaration of 1945

President Ronald Reagan, in preparation for his celebrated visit to the German military cemetery at Bitburg in 1985, termed the alleged collective German guilt for the Second World War “imposed” and “unnecessary.”[1] That President Reagan felt compelled to express himself so clearly demonstrates that the German guilt said to stem from the Second World War…

Russia Against Japan, 1904-05: A New Look at the Russo-Japanese War

Russia Against Japan, 1904-05: A New Look at the Russo-Japanese War by J.N. Westwood. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press 1986, $34.50 Hb. Ever wonder what a Revisionist book might read like if it were published by, and with the consent of, the Establishment? If such could happen, it would have to…

The Politics of Hunger: The Allied Blockade of Germany, 1915-1919

The Politics of Hunger: The Allied Blockade of Germany, 1915-1919. By C. Paul Vincent. Ohio University Press, Athens (Ohio) and London, 1985; pp. viii, 191. When did the First World War end? Yes, that is a "catch-question." Virtually everybody will reply "November 1918;" but, in so doing, they will be wrong. That was the date…

An Update on the Dead Sea Scrolls

I was reared in a highly fundamentalist religious denomination; and although I had various early doubts concerning its dogmas and practices and rejected them when I was about twenty years old, I never lost an intense interest in religion as a social phenomenon or in its influence upon mankind. I remember one philosopher who said…

Irving on Churchill

World-class historian David Irving is no stranger to readers of the JHR. His address to the 1983 Intemational Revisionist Conference, which appeared in the Winter 1984 Journal of Historical Review (“On Contemporary History and Historiography”), was something of a primer on Irving's Revisionist historiographical method. It was spiced as well with tantalizing hints of new…

Selling Hitler

Selling Hitler by Robert Harris. New York: Pantheon Books. First American edition, 1986, 402 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-394-5533-5. The quantities of Third-Reich-related forgeries in circulation can generally be divided into two categories. First, there are the forgeries made by the World War II Allies, and by various international pressure groups, for propaganda purposes, such as…

The Siege of South Africa

The main argument which I seek to establish in this paper falls into three parts and can be summarized as follows: The history of South Africa, since shortly before the beginning of the Anglo-Boer War in 1899, epitomizes the history of the world over the same period. The world revolutionary movement which was to precipitate…

It Happened in Our Lifetime

It Happened in Our Lifetime by John Phillips. N.Y. and Toronto: Little, Brown & Company, 1985, copyright by Time, Inc., 277 pp., illustrated with 445 black & white photos, $24.95, ISBN 0-316-70609-4. In 1985 John Phillips published his It Happened In Our Lifetime: A Memoir in Words and Pictures. The former Life magazine photojournalist reports…

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