

A Somewhat Different Auschwitz Trial

Walter Dejaco (left) and Fritz Ertl (right): The contractors of the crematoria of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Thanks to an expert report they were acquitted. During the years 1964/65, a giant Auschwitz trial took place in Frankfurt, Germany. Almost all defendants accused of having participated in the crimes claimed to have been committed in this camp were eventually…

Book Notices

James Bovard, Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil, NY: Palgrave, August 2004, 448 pages, pb., $16.95 A devastating attack on President Bush’s Justice Department and the similarly misnamed Patriot Act, Terrorism and Tyranny has been hailed by sources as disparate as the Washington Post and Pat Buchanan’s…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Allied War Crime and Catacomb Revisionists Dear Mr. Rudolf! It is always commendable to commemorate the victims of injustice. In this regard I may report about an incidence, which occurred parallel to the liberation, or better transfer (this event happened peacefully, as is known), of the concentration camp Mauthausen. On May 4, 1945,…

Marshal Zhukov: A Career Built on Corpses

Viktor Suworow, Marschall Schukow – Lebensweg über Leichen, Pour-le-Mérite, Selent, Germany, 2002, 350 pp., €25.80 Prologue Every war produces genuine military strategists and heroes, many of whom die on the battlefield or whose exploits go unrecognized. Decorated “Hero of the Soviet Union” four times, Marshal Georgi Zhukov was indisputably the most honored military figure in…

Simon Wiesenthal Exposed as a Fraud and Liar

Gerd Honsik, Fiend and Felon (translated from Schelm und Scheusal by Medea deSculda), Taby, Sweden, undated, 404 pp., hardcover, photos, bibliography, index. $20.- This book can be ordered from Castle Hill Publishers. Now that professional “Nazi”-hunter Simon Wiesenthal has added knighthood by the British crown to the numerous honors that have been heaped upon him,…

A Footnote of Irony

A few weeks ago I met Dietmar Munier in Chicago, owner of the medium-sized publishing company Arndt in Kiel, northern Germany. He was hunting original color photographs of the Third Reich era for his many upcoming book projects, and while visiting archives in the United States, he decided to stop by and meet me so…

Allied Plans for the Annihilation of the German People

Long before the outbreak of the Second World War, and certainly long before the outcome of this European slaughter of brothers was foreseeable, the victors-to-be and their hangers-on had made plans for the disposition of Germany that contained fundamental violations of the Law of Nations. In addition to demilitarization and de-nazification projects there were plans…

Croatian Victims of the Yugoslav Secret Police outside Yugoslavia, 1945-1990

The ongoing legal proceedings in the Hague against Serb and Croat war crimes suspects, including the Serbian ex-president Slobodan Milosevic, must be put into wider perspective. The unfortunate and often irrational hatred between Serbs and Croats had for decades been stirred up and kept alive by the Communist Yugoslav secret police. The longevity of the…

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