

An Open Letter to The Daily Texan

  On Tuesday, January 26th, the Texas Student Board of Operating Trustees rejected an advertisement submitted to The Daily Texan for my video about the Auschwitz concentration camp, "David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper." An article the next day in The Daily Texan gave no reason for the ad's rejection. A former Hillel Foundation board…

The Agenda

For the first time, an issue of Smith's Report will go to some 500 newspaper and periodical editors around the country, about half of them to college newspapers. From this mailing on I will stay in regular contact with the print press with SR and other materials. This mailing will cost about $400. If you…

ADL Censorship University of Texas

Those of you who have followed the Campus Project will recall the struggle that took place at U. Texas at Austin earlier this year. There was an incredibly neurotic scandal over the acceptance of my full page ad on “The Holocaust Controversy” and later over a second ad, sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review,…

The Hemingway Western Studies Center

The HWSC & Boise State University Student Union has included my little book, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist: Excerpts from the Second (Enlarged) Edition, in an exhibition of small magazines in the Student Union Art Gallery. The show will run through 15 November. The exhibition, organized by Assistant Professor of English Tom Trosky, is entitled…

Survivors vs. David Irving

Shelly Shapiro is the harridan who directs the Holocaust Survivors & Friends Education Center in Albany, New York. She's led the attack against Boston gas-chamber expert Fred Leuchter, author of The Leuchter Report. Shapiro has worked to destroy Leuchter's livelihood and has tried to get him jailed, ostensibly for practicing his trade “without a license.”…

Zionism and the Ivy League

Midstream is an occasionally interesting Zionist publication that I've read off and on for twenty-five years. In April '92 it published an article on CODOH and the Campus Project titled “Revisionism, Free Speech, and the Campus” by Carlos C. Huerta, a writer living in Jerusalem. Huerta writes that “perhaps the most revealing thing to come…

Dr. Deborah Lipstadt & the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

“In recent months, a lone denier, Bradley Smith, has garnered incredible amounts of attention with a tactically brilliant but devious maneuver: the placing of advertisements in student newspapers arguing there was no Holocaust.” Deborah Lipstadt, Holocaust historian and the only female golem still residing in Los Angeles county, gives me the benefit of her attention…

Judges Quash Zündel Guilty Verdict

(Following are excerpts from stories reported in the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, and the Toronto Sun when this story first broke.) Toronto Star (27 August): Toronto publisher Ernst Zundel's conviction for spreading false news about the deaths of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust was struck down today by the Supreme Court of…

Harvard Heroism

John Demjanjuk, railroaded to Israel on bogus charges of murdering upwards of a million Jews in gas chambers at Treblinka, though now seen almost universally as innocent of that ludicrous charge, may still be strung up by our allies who run the only democracy in the Middle East. How has such a scenario come to…

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