Vol. 7 (1986)

The Journal of Historical Review - covers

Volume Seven · Numbers 1 through 4 · 1986

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal. To see the table of contents of this volume’s issues, click on the respective issue number in the subcategory list below.

Vol. 7 (1986)

Warsaw under German rule

Warschau unter deutscher Herrschaft [Warsaw under German rule] by Friedrich Gollert. Warsaw: Berg Verlag GmbH.,1942, 302 pp. On the occasion of the two years' existence of the General Government (GG), I was commissioned to render an account concerning the District of Warsaw. At that time (1941) I wrote Zwei Jahre Wiederaufbau im Distrikt Warschau (Two…

The Origins of the Second World War

I. Historical Development from the Nineteenth Century to the First World War In 1955, the Indian diplomat and historian K. M. Panikkar, a longtime friend and collaborator of Pandit Nehru, the Indian prime minister, published a book entitled Asia and Western Dominance 1498-1945. He shows Western dominance of Asia as beginning with the Portuguese Vasco…

Not Just Japanese Americans

I. Pre-Pearl Harbor The sad saga of civil liberties in the United States during the Second World War begins well before Pearl Harbor. The popular impression is that the Japanese surprise attack in December 1941 caught the U.S. government totally unaware. In an effort to counter this impression, countless Revisionist historians have raked over the…

All Denials of Free Speech Undercut A Democratic Society

The following essay first appeared in the Camera, Boulder, Colorado, in September, 1985. It is a rejoinder to a reply by Henry Smokier to a nationally syndicated article by Village Voice writer Nat Hentoff protesting the cancellation of a Cornell Medical School commencement speech by Professor Chomsky. The cancellation was the work of Zionists fearful…

Orwell: The War Commentaries

Orwell: The War Commentaries, Edited and with an introduction by W.J. West. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986, 253 pp., $18.95. George Orwell, too, had feet of clay. This will come as no surprise to some, of course. There are at least a few who know already, and a much smaller number who have long known,…

War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War

War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War by John W. Dower. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986, xii, 399 pp., illustrated, $22.50, ISBN 0-394-50030-X. Following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the American people reacted violently with fear and anger at the suddenly ominous power of the Japanese nation. The forms this…

How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss

Rudolf Höss was the first of three successive commandants of the Auschwitz concentration camp. He is often called “the Commandant of Auschwitz,” and the general public knows of him from a book published under the title Commandant in Auschwitz. He appeared before the International Military Tribunal as a witness on 15 April 1946, where his…

Buchenwald: Legend and Reality

Editor's Note: Mark Weber's article “Buchenwald: Legend and Reality” is a useful and timely corrective made more so by President Obama's visit on June 5, 2009 to the site of the former Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald. Obama who was accompanied on his tour by German Chancellor Merkel and Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel…

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