Vol. 9 (1989)

The Journal of Historical Review - covers

Volume Nine · Numbers 1 through 4 · 1989

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal. To see the table of contents of this volume’s issues, click on the respective issue number in the subcategory list below.

Vol. 9 (1989)

Göring: A Biography

Göring: A Biography, by David Irving. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1989, 573 pages, hardbound, $22.95, ISBN 0488-06606-2. David Irving is a British, non-academic historian, who has published many books in English and German on German historical developments in the 20th century. All his books have been based on exhaustive research. He is also…

Israel’s Sacred Terrorism

Israel's Sacred Terrorism, by Livia Rokach Belmont Mass: AAUG Press, 1986, third ed. Paperback, 63 pages, $6, ISBN 0-937694-70-3. BLAMING THE VICTIMS, Edward Said and Christopher Hitchins, eds. London: Verso/New Left Books, 1988. Paperback, 296 pages, $15, ISBN 046091487 4. “Terrorism … terrorists.” Most people who read the ugly words in the newspapers probably take…

Innocent in Dachau

An unusual set of circumstances, over which I had only limited control, and timing, over which I had no control whatsoever, determined the course of my military career and led me to work as a court reporter at Dachau for the 7708 War Crimes Group in Germany after my discharge from the Army. Arriving in…

George Morgenstern, 1906-1988

George Morgenstern, the author of the first Revisionist book about the December 7,1941 Pearl Harbor attack and the complex history which preceded and followed it, died in Denver, Colorado on July 23, 1988, in his 83rd year. Morgenstern's book, titled Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War, published by Devin A. Garrity in New…

Lessons from Dachau

Dachau: 1933-45, The Official History; by Paul Berben. London: The Norfolk Press, 1975, Hardcover, 300 pages, ISBN 0-85211-009-X. Sometimes important “revisionist” works are produced, not by the revisionists, but by believers in Exterminationist theory. A case in point is Arno Mayer's Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?, which downplays Auschwitz as a center of gassings…

From the Editor

Hysteron proteron was the Alexandrian grammarians' term for inverting a sequence of words or ideas by putting first what normally comes afterward, in time or in logic. In view of the dramatic events of IHR's Ninth Conference, which came to a rousing and successful conclusion just days before this issue of The Journal went to…

Thoughts on the Military History of the Occupation of Japan

I. Introduction We are now on the crest of a wave of interest in America's post-war occupation of Japan; many studies of the occupation have recently appeared, both in Japan and the United States.[1] Most of these works, however, are diplomatically, economically, or sociologically oriented. Studies undertaken primarily from a military viewpoint are comparatively few….

For Holland and for Europe: The Life and Death of Dr. M.M. Host van Tonningen

What is the point of speaking about the past? Why take another look at the worldview of my late husband, who was a National Socialist? Is there any point in speaking about such things in the liberal democratic era in which we live today? My answer is that there most certainly is, for it is…

Atrocities, Then and Now

“Most shocking barbarities begin to be reported as practiced … upon the wounded and prisoners … that fall into their hands,” read an editorial in the New York Times. “We are told of their slashing the throats of some from ear to ear; of their cutting off the heads of others and kicking them about…

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