The Revisionist

The Journal for Open-Minded and Curious Thinkers

The Revisionist first appeared in late 1999, published by Bradley R. Smith. It was meant to primarily further the Campus Project by having an easy-to-read, slender magazine with brief papers and op-eds on issues surrounding the orthodox Holocaust narrative and its revision. The project lost inertia in 2002. To the temporary rescue came German revisionist scholar, author, editor and publisher Germar Rudolf, who between early 2003 and early 2005 edited and published 9 more issues, but this time also including many long, well-researched papers on the 120 pages of each letter size softcover issue. While Rudolf was working on the second issue of the year 2005, he was arrested by the U.S. authorities and subsequently deport to Germany (see his website for more info). Hence The Revisionist suddenly ceased to exist. It was later replaced by the extant online journal Inconvenient History

While the first, CODOH series of The Revisionist was merely numbered consecutively from one to thirteen, the later series was organized by 4 issues per yearly volume.

Revisionism in Cartoons

In all the years that I worked together with Robert Faurisson on various publication projects, starting with my first meeting with him in Vichy in late fall 1991 until this very day, I have always experienced Robert's gentle and sometimes cynical humor. He frequently sent me cartoons drawn by some of his friends and supporters,…

Robert Faurisson

Introduction When I was asked to contribute towards the Robert Faurisson Festschrift, I recalled my own student days during the 1970s in Germany where I had regularly come across such publications. The German word Schrift means writing or a piece of correspondence. The word Fest has become part of the English language, and few English…

The Holocaust before It Happened

Don Heddesheimer, The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims during and after World War One, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, pb., 140 pp., $9.95. George Santayana was famous for his aphorism “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Perhaps those who believe in the myth of the ‘six…

Exactitude Symphony

Ernst Zündel’s contribution was written on December 5, 2003, from the Rexdale, Ontario, GULag in the People’s Republic of Canada, that is, from his solitary confinement cell where he is being held as a political prisoner of conscience by the Crown authorities. His location is the Toronto-West Detention Center, 111 Disco Road Box 4950, Rexdale,…

Three Revisionist Classics

Germar Rudolf, The Rudolf Report. Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the ‘Gas Chambers’ of Auschwitz, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, 456 pp., paperback, $30.- / hardcover, $45.-. Germar Rudolf (ed.), Dissecting The Holocaust. The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory’, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, 616 pp., paperback, $30. Arthur…

Scientists against Science

I am a Swede, born in 1919 in Finland, and I spent my childhood and adolescence in a couple of small towns within the Swedish speaking belt along the Gulf of Finland. As a member of a somewhat pushed-aside minority I soon realized the importance of legal rights for every individual in a community. I…

Upward and Onward

When I published my first revisionist book as a one-man-publisher back in late 1998 while still residing in England,[1] it took only a few months to get a very positive feedback from a well-known revisionist in the U.S., who was not only excited about such a fine study being written and published, but who also…

Letters to the Editor

(Click to enlarge) Re.: D. Bartling, “Why the United States Reject the International Criminal Court,” TR, 1(3) (2003), pp. 301-308. Dear Sir: Your article on the American refusal to join the ICC brought to mind an incident years ago. During the war I spent a short time on Samar in the Philippines and while there…

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