No. 58 (Oct.)

On the Holocaust Controversy

No. 58 · · October 1998

Serving the Revisionist Community from 1990 until 2016

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Other Stuff

TRANSLATORS—About 18 months ago I asked SR readers for volunteers to help us translate documents into Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, Polish, Russian—or any other languages. All work done would be published on the Internet, on our World Wide Web site, and become part of a permanent, multi-lingual library of documents relating to revisionist theory….


In April of 1996, Senators Boxer (CA) and Spector (PA) gifted $1 million to Steven Spielberg for his Shoah Holocaust project where the money would be used to pay for recording 50,000 holocaust survivor voices around the world—the money came out of the House Appropriations Committee Library Funds—education funds intended for the libraries (see Washington…

The Martian Chronicles

Two important themes in “The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes” are that the mass gassing claims grew in part out of hysteria about poison gas usage, and in part out the repetition of gassing rumors over the radio, particularly the state-controlled BBC in Britain. A pre-war incident where these two themes converged was the notorious…

Internet Roundup

One of the great advantages of running a World Wide Web site is the ease and minimal cost of publishing. CODOHWeb has gained an international reputation not only for our republishing of classic revisionist texts like Fritz Berg's “Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth within a Myth” and the banned-in-Germany anthology, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (Foundations of Contemporary…


The indomitable David Irving moved forward with his libel suit against exterminationist scold-in-chief Deborah Lipstadt. Lipstadt, now a professor at Emory University (Atlanta), maligned Irving's standing as a historian and bashed him as an extremist and “Holocaust denier” in her book Denying the Holocaust. Irving, who unlike Lipstadt has been writing best-selling books on real…

Expert Vindication for Rudolf Auschwitz Report

Believe it or not, there's good news for revisionists out of Switzerland. On September 9 a Swiss court acquitted a Swiss revisionist of “racial discrimination” for disseminating German revisionist Germar Rudolf's forensic report detailing the absence of evidence for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and Majdanek. Even better, the court made its ruling because an expert…


You never know when you will suffer a small epiphany. I was telling Bill Jefferson, one of my more critical volunteer advisors, about how the Georgia State Signal has been a rock over the past few years, steadfastly publishing CODOH advertisements and bearing up under criticism from the Georgia press and the Lobby again and…

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