No. 215 (September)

On the Holocaust Controversy

No. 215 · · September 2015

Serving the Revisionist Community from 1990 until 2016

  • Being Jewish: Remembering the Holocaust, by Jett Rucker
  • Subscription News, by the SR Team
  • Irving v. Lipstadt Trial for Movie Theaters, by David Merlin
  • Sylvia Stolz Sent to Prison for Criticizing German Law, by Roberto Hernandez
  • Vincent Reynouard: 23 Years of Persecution, by Roberto Hernandez
  • Horst Mahler Calls for Help, by Santiago Alvarez
  • Ursula Haverbeck Challenges German Authorities, by Santiago Alvarez
  • Revisionist Activities, by Santiago Alvarez
  • Fragments, by Bradley R. Smith

If any single contributions of this issue are available as html documents, they will be listed below.

You can also download the entire issue as a PDF file here.


Hi Gang! Well, I’m back, for the time being anyhow. In the bigger scheme of things of course it’s always for the time being. Eight days ago I received a blood transfusion at the VA. When it was done I felt better. Still do. This week I began working. Getting my affairs in order, thinking…

Revisionist Activities

Starting with this issue, Smith’s Report will report about new revisionist activities and productions. With this we want to increase public awareness of the community’s productivity. This will hopefully improve attention and increase participation in revisionist events, and might help our revisionist producers to successfully market their products. Our list of activities covers anything which…

Ursula Haverbeck Challenges German Authorities

Ursula Haverbeck (86) is the widow of the late German historian Prof. Dr. Werner Georg Ha­verbeck. Both have been supporters of revisionism for decades. After her husband’s death in 1999, she started becoming more outspoken about her skepticism regarding the Holocaust. As a consequence she was tried thrice for “denial” and sentenced to pay several…

Horst Mahler Calls for Help

Since February 2009, German lawyer Horst Mahler has been serving his cumulative 12-year prison term for a number of convictions due to his writings in which he both contests the orthodox Holocaust narrative and justifies as well as recommends repeating some of the NS measures against the Jews, among other things. Horst Mahler Suffering from…

Vincent Reynouard: 23 Years of Persecution

The chemical engineer and former math teacher Vincent Reynouard is a well-known French figure in the revisionist world. A very close friend and colleague of Professor Robert Faurisson, he calls the current “post-revisionists” Faurisson’s heirs. Born on February 18, 1969, in Boulogne-Billancour to wealthy parents (both his parents were physicians, and his father a mayor…

Irving v. Lipstadt Trial for Movie Theaters, Part I

Alison Thompson and Mark Gooder form Cornerstone Films Ms. Alison ThompsonMr. Mark GooderCornerstone Filmsc/o Sunray Films12 Sunray Avenue Herne HillLondonSE24 9PY[email protected]Tel: +44 (0)758 033 758 Hello Ms. Thompsonand Mr. Gooder I read that your company is handling international sales for a new movie based on Deborah Lipstadt’s book History on Trial: My Day in Court…

Subscription News

Smith’s Report is currently operating in a financial vacuum. The entire operation has been moved out of Bradley’s Mexican redoubt, yet our new financial modus vivendi hasn’t been established yet. The reason for that delay is that Bradley needs to sign a contract granting us the right to use CODOH as a business name. He…

Being Jewish: Remembering the Holocaust

In 2013, the Pew Research Center conducted a major survey, A Portrait of Jewish Americans, among American Jews to ascertain various group characteristics and opinions. In that study’s Chapter 3, “Jewish Identity” (, a striking finding emerged that must be of great interest to Holocaust revisionists everywhere: “Remembering the Holocaust” is an important element of…

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