No. 2

The Journal of Historical Review - cover

Volume One · Number Two · Summer 1980

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal.

Human Soap

It is variously claimed by the Exterminationists that human corpses underwent melting by some rendering process whereby raw material for soap was made. The process, means, and distribution system, are all totally unknown. Immediately after liberation, in Politiceni in Romania, the district rabbi ordered the collection of all bars of soap bearing the letters “RIF”….

Letters To The “New Statesman'

The following letters were mailed to the editor of the New Statesman, 10 Great Turnstile, London WC1V 7HJ, Great Britain, following the publication of an article attacking Revisionism on 2 November 1979, by Gitta Sereny. 18 November 1979 Dear Sir: In general Gitta Sereny's few substantive arguments (NS, 2 November) are answered in my book…

More Impossibilities of the “Gerstein Statement”

The so-called “Gerstein Statement” continues to be the main evidence for the “Holocaust.” The book Holocaust (New York, 1978) written by Gerald Green- on which the TV series of the same name was based-used the “Gerstein Statement” indirectly. The statement was also featured in evidence at both the Nürnberg Trials and the Jerusalem trial of…

In the Matter of Robert Faurisson

Statement on oath by John Tuson Bennett of 122 Canning Street, Carlton Melbourne Australia, barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria. I, John Tuson Bennett of 122 Canning Street Carlton Melbourne make oath and say as follows: I am a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria and have been employed…

A Note From The Editor

The first issue of THE JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW reprinted the speeches given by various noted Revisionist thinkers at the first-ever Revisionist Convention, held at Northrop University in Los Angeles, over Labor Day weekend, 1979. Most of these speakers concentrated on the “Holocaust” and boldly demonstrated its fraudulent nature. Reaction to the first issue has…

Book Reviews

Nuremberg: A Nation On Trial Nuremberg: A Nation on Trial. Werner Maser, Scribners, 368 pp, hardback, available from IHR at $18.00. ISBN: 0684-16252-0. This new book is easily the best so far on the hideous aberration of justice known as the “Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.” The author is a well-known German historian; his biography of…

Letter From Berlin

I first heard about your Revisionist Conference in a rather short, two page report in issue 3/79 of Bauernschaft (October 1979), published by my friend Thies Christophersen (D 2341 Mohrkirch). I saw a more complete report in the South African Observer (P.O. Box 2401, Pretoria, South Africa, November 1979, pp. 11-15) which I receive by…

The Corpse Factory

A series of extracts will give the record of one of the most revolting lies invented during the First World War, the dissemination of which throughout not only Britain but the world was encouraged and connived at by both the Government and the press. It started in 1917, and was not finally disposed of till…

The Mendacity of Zion

Professor Butz in his book has commented on the remarkable similarity between modem “Holocaust” lore and ancient Talmudic fantasies. On pp. 246-7 of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century he reports that the Talmud claims that the Romans slew 4 billion, “or as some say” 40 million, Je*s. The blood of the Jewish victims was…

The ‘Problem of the Gas Chambers’

The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence …— Article 19 of the Statutes of the International Military Tribunal (in reality: the Inter-allied Military Tribunal) at Nuremberg The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge, but shall take judicial notice thereof …— Article 21 of the Statutes No one,…

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