Post WWII Revisionism

Events and developments in the post-WWII period following the end of hostilities. This section does not include 9/11 revisionism (re. the alleged Arab attacks on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001), which has its own entry under “About Revisionism and Historiography in General” > “US History” > “Sept. 11”

Teaching The Horror

A fifth-grader at Tamarac Elementary School in Holbrook, L.I., spied the french fries on the plate of her friend and asked if she could have some. Before her friend could reply, a male classmate snorted: “Sure she eats off other's plates, her name is Pig.” The girl, Nancy Pigawic, turned ashen and began to cry….

What’s Black and White and Read All Over?

The controversial syndicated columnist Joseph Sobran once suggested The New York Times ought to be renamed or subtitled “The Holocaust Update” because of its Holocaustocentric tendencies. I wonder if that label mightn't be more fittingly applied to The Globe and Mail, which bills itself as “Canada's National Newspaper.” Take the Friday, March 15 [1996] issue…

Newsmakers, Literal and Figurative

The 37-year-old German documentary film-maker Michael Born, according to an AP story [Feb. 15, 1996], owed his prolific output to the fact that he happened to be a literal rather than a figurative newsmaker. For example, a 1994 Born documentary portrayed a group of Germans performing a white-hooded Klansman's cross-burning ritual allegedly somewhere in Germany;…

Film as witness: screening “Nazi Concentration Camps” before the Nuremberg Tribunal

Introduction: Film as Witness and The Problem of Representation[1] November 20, 1995, marks the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the most unusual judicial proceedings of the century, the Nuremberg war crimes trials. After a day devoted to entering die indictment and the pleas, Robert H. Jackson, a sitting Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court…

When it’s Confession Time at Dachau

In war crimes trials, confessions are usually typewritten by the interrogator, often entirely in English. Paragraphs in the prisoner's handwriting have usually been dictated by the interrogator. The First Dachau Trial (Trial of Martin Gottfried Weiss and Thirty Nine Others), offers an insight into the manner in which these confessions were obtained. TESTIMONY OF KICK,…

The German Justice System

For a short time during the war, Gottfried Weise was a German guard in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Was he therefore automatically a subhuman not deserving to be heard? Gottfried Weise asserted that he did not do anything evil in these months, and ten former internees who could remember Weise confirmed this. However, two other…

Days of Remembrance

The front cover also bears the inscriptions: “This book was produced with the assistance and cooperation of the International Center for Holocaust Studies of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith./OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE.” U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988 (207-121-814/80028). 96 pages, 27.6 x 21 centimeters. 27 illustrations plus two maps. Although reviewers customarily…

Made in Russia: The Holocaust

© Historical Review Press, 1988 Introduction War crimes trials are characterized by the assumption that rules of evidence are a technicality designed to enable the guilty to evade punishment. In fact, however, their purpose is to protect tribunals from errors in judgement. Centuries ago, it was common to prosecute women for performing sexual acts with…

Not Guilty at Nuremberg

Note IMT = 1st Nuremberg Trial, in 4 languages. NMT = 12 later Nuremberg Trials, in English. In the absence of any indication to the contrary, all page numbers refer to the American edition, with the German page numbers in [brackets]. Dedicated to Barbara Kulaszka and Dan Gannon Introduction The re-writing of history is as…

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