Crimes and Propaganda

Wartime crime did not come to an end just because Japan and Germany had surrendered. Quite to the contrary, one could even argue that the devil’s party only really got started in the aftermath of the Allied victory. Here are contributions dealing with those post-war crimes related to WWII.

The Best Form of Defence Is Attack

A fatal flaw is the counter-revolutionary’s lack of strategy. Truth-sleuths react only to the strategies of others. The holocaust myth makers set the agenda and they set the rules; we obediently play their game. Not once do I recall the holocaust investigators putting holocaust hucksters on the defensive by forcing them to deny the undeniable….

The Joseph Hirt Story

Joseph Bernard Hirt worked as a school psychologist and psychology-teacher in Chester County, Pennsylvania until his retirement in 1993. It was not long after this that Hirt took up a second career – as a “Holocaust survivor.” In this role Hirt achieved significant regional notoriety. The early period of Hirt's career as a Holocaust survivor…

War Criminals in Israel

Israel collects war criminals. Of course, in the course of its never-ending conflicts with its neighbors, it has produced its own abundant crops of home-grown, even native, war criminals, but here, I wish to concentrate on war criminals, real and supposed, imported from other lands whose crimes even antedate Israel itself—I am interested, in fact,…

Orson Welles and the First Holocaust Movie: A Lasting Legacy

If the pinnacle of the Holocaust Movie genre has been reached, it may have happened in 1993, when Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List garnered seven academy awards and untold millions of dollars in royalties for the film magnate who has since declared that the reason he has honored Planet Earth with a personal visit is to…

The Yockey-Thompson Campaign against Post-War Vengeance

The American neo-Spenglerian philosopher Francis Parker Yockey has over the past decade enjoyed a revival of interest among the far Right.[1] Now that the Right is less encumbered by the dominant political-financial system’s Cold War rhetoric which saw a range of movements from conservatives to the American Nazi Party[2] lining up to beat the war…

Tortured History: The Foundations of Today’s “Holocaust”

Torture is much in the news in these still-early years of the Twenty-First Century. U.S. President George W. Bush recently cancelled a visit to Switzerland because of the threat that human-rights groups active there would have him arrested on war-crimes charges based on the CIA’s well-known practices of water-boarding, solitary confinement, and rendition—all, of course,…

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