Shoah Business

There is no business like Shoah business – except maybe waging war, which is even more profitable – for some. Papers listed in this section deal with what Norman G. Finkelstein called the “exploitation of Jewish suffering” – not just for financial ends. As a matter of fact, the “Auschwitz club” is a formidable weapon to wield against perceived political opponents anywhere in the world. Hence, it’s big business, indeed.

Good People Don’t Question (Anything about) the Holocaust

Apologies to Jeff Sessions for the paraphrase making the title above. Sessions, of course, said that good people don’t smoke marijuana, an obviously false statement whose near-infinite sweep invites comparison with the ubiquitous demonology in which everyone who grew up after World War II in any of the major countries of the West has been…

Today Amazon, Tomorrow, the World

Amazon fell to the control of the power elites, at least for our purposes, on March 6, 2017 when they delisted our entire canon of scrupulous, objective, painstaking research into the (im)possibility of the regnant holocaust mythology, somehow dragging Barnes & Noble’s competing service right along with it like a Siamese twin. Perhaps that was…

Holocaust Professorships as Stupas

A stupa is a Buddhist holy structure, many of which were erected in past centuries at the expense and for the greater glory of wealthy Buddhists seeking to secure for themselves a place that, in Western (non-Buddhist) parlance could be called “a place in Heaven.” The famous Plain of Bagan of Myanmar contains dozens of…

Germar Rudolf looks at the David Irving and Lipstadt Case

Germar Rudolf looks at the David Irving and Lipstadt Case. Germar looks (One hour) at the "evidence" presented by Lipstadt in the Irving v Lipstadt legal case. Germar relates the facts regarding so called "gas chambers" and "mass executions" by the Germans in the period 1939 – 1945. Lipstadt, a Zionist, falsely claims a number…

Letter to the Editor to of The Daily Northwestern

Editor The Daily Northwestern  [email protected]   Dear Editor I am submitting this Letter to the Editor as a response to the April 28 Op-Ed piece by Ben Trachtenberg.  It is also written in remembrance of Teacher Bian Zhongyun and in support of academic freedom for teachers and professors. Ben Trachtenberg called for the dismissal of Northwestern professor Arthur Butz for committing a"form…

Memorabilia: Breaking The Spell (of the Holocaust) with Dr Nick Kollerstrom

An extensive interview with scientist Nicholas Kollerstrom (2015) on his book "Breaking the Spell" published by Castle Hill Publications. Here, Dr. Kollerstrom talks about the persecution and isolation that he has suffered after the publication of his book. Interviewed on February 25, 2015 – Henrik Palmgren (Red Ice Radio) hosts Nicholas Kollerstrom and discusses Breaking The Spell,…

The Siege Intensifies

Are they closing in on us for the kill? The deluge of anti-revisionist cavil and calumny raining down on anyone thought to harbor an ill thought regarding Israel, Jewry or above all, the Holocaust Religion has reached a deafening pitch. The latest victims of the Juggernaut of Conscience of this century as well as the…

CPS Discontinues Original Charge for my Song (((Survivors)))

Friday June 2, the Crown Prosecution Service informed my lawyer of their intention to discontinue the initial accusation for malicious communications brought against me by Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Antisemitism for my song (((Survivors))). This latest news of yet another charge against me being dropped will no doubt provoke yet more tears from…

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