War Crime Trials + Prosecutions

“I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled. Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time. The concept of ex post facto law is not congenial to the Anglo-American viewpoint on law. Before criminal penalties can be imposed there must be fair warning that the conduct which one undertook was criminal.”—William O. Douglas, LL.D. (Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the U.S., 1939-1975)

We used to have these trials listed under postwar crimes, but since most visitors don't expect them there, hence had a hard time finding it, we moved it up one notch. If you wonder why we put it there in the first place: because the Allied tribunals and all the trials that followed in their wake were a crass violation of international law and thus a crime by definition. Here are papers bringing that message home.

A Blatant Falsification at Nuremberg

The pseudo-judicial proceedings at the Nuremberg Trials have been heavily criticized by many people who were anything but Nazis. For example, in The Papers of Robert A. Taft, Senator Taft wrote the following: "We have fooled ourselves in the belief that we could teach another nation democratic principles by force. Why, we can’t even teach…

The Holocaustian Propaganda Campaign against Bashar al-Assad

The website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has a page about the conflict in Syria where, it declares: "Seven decades after the Holocaust and despite promises of Never Again, a regime is targeting its own people while the international community stands by." (USHMM, Syria: Introduction) The same message was elaborated during a ceremony staged…

Memorabilia: Nuremberg Trials: Debunking the Nazi War Crimes Convictions

Mark Weber, of the Institute of Historical Review, discusses the problematic nature of the findings of guilt against the Nazis in the post-WWII Nuremberg war crimes trials. Mark goes through the spurious nature of the "trials" described by one US judge as a "high grade lynching party", the so-called "evidence"   

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