The International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg, organized by the Americans, but held in unison by all four victorious powers, gave the lynching of the German political elite a pseudo-legal cover. To this day, orthodox scholars laud this high-profile lynch party as a paragon of justice – which tells more about those scholars than about that tribunal.

After the IMT, the Americans conducted a number of further lynch parties in Nuremberg all by themselves (NMT). These were a continuation of the decapitation of Germany started at the IMT, although the other three victorious powers refused to cooperate, as they had their own fish to fry.

The contributions listed here take a critical look into these trials.

The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust

A common response to expressions of skepticism about the Holocaust story is to say something like “What about Nuremberg? What about the trials and all the evidence?!” This reaction is understandable because the many postwar “war crimes” trials have given explicit, authoritative judicial legitimacy to the Holocaust extermination story. By far the most important of…

A Call for a Congressional Investigation: The Murder of Rudolf Hess

I was in Ohio on August 17, 1987 when news came of the death of Rudolf Hess at Spandau Prison. Within several days, it was reported that Hess had committed suicide, a version endorsed several weeks later by his Allied jailers (the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France) in official communiques: Rudolf…

Not Guilty at Nuremberg: The German Defense Case

Not Guilty at Nuremberg: The German Defense Case, by Carlos Porter. Brighton, England: Historical Review Press, n.d., pb., 22 pp., photographs, $5.00. ISBN: The Nuremberg Trials are arguably the gravest miscarriage of justice since the witch trials of pre-Enlightenment Europe and colonial America. At the close of the Second World War, the Allies arrested the…

Made in Russia: The Holocaust

Made in Russia: The Holocaust by Carlos W. Porter. Uckfield, Sussex, England: Historical Review Press, 1988, Pb., 415 pages, $10.00, ISBN 0-939484-30-7. A stumbling block for Revisionists, just as it was for the postwar German defendants, is the seeming wealth of documents and testimony assembled by Allied prosecutors for the Nuremberg trials. The more than…

The Torture of Julius Streicher

“This is Purim Fest 1946!” was Julius Streicher's apt comment before he was sucked down into death via a gallows trap-door in the Nuremberg Prison gymnasium on 16 October 1946. He was the seventh of ten International Military Tribunal defendants hanged that day in fulfillment of the sentences imposed. (Hermann Göring had cheated the hangman…

Dönitz: The Last Führer

Dönitz: The Last Führer, by Peter Padfield. New York: Harper and Row, 1984, 523pp, $25.00, ISBN 0-06-015264-8. In an appearance on a book-talk show on BBC radio, the author was asked why he had written this book. He replied that it was written at the suggestion of his agent. That is perhaps a clue to…

Zyklon B, Auschwitz, and the Trial of Dr. Bruno Tesch

We still have judgement here, that we but teach Bloody instructions, which being taught return To plague thinventor. This even handed justice Commends thingredience of our poison'd chalice To our own lips.—Shakespeare, Macbeth The Prelude to "Justice" Toward the end of World War II, the designated legal representatives of the United Nations,[1] meeting in London…

Allied War Crimes Trials

On 14 November 1945, the proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg (Nuremberg) were opened. The twenty-four accused, whose number was later reduced to twenty-two by disease and death, among the top officials of the National Socialist Party, the top leadership of the armed forces and of the state administration of the defeated German…

Failure at Nuremberg / Rudolf Hess

Failure at Nuremberg: An Analysis of the Trial, Evidence and Verdict, Institute for Historical Review (pb reprint) 42pp, $2.50, ISBN 0-939484-04-8. Rudolf Hess: Prisoner of Peace, by Ilse Hess and Rudolf Hess, translated from the German by Meyrick Booth, Ph.D. and edited by George Pile with a Foreword by Air-Commodore G.S. Oddie, D.F.C., A.F.C. (Royal…

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