
CODOH’s review section is not just for consumption. Feel free to submit your own review of a book, a paper, a movie, an audio piece, or a play. There are two conditions:

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The Man who Knew too Much

Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, Stephen Prior, Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up, Warner Little Brown & Co Ltd, 2002, 608pp., $16.95 Martin Allen, The Hitler-Hess Deception. British Intelligence’s Best-kept Secret of the Second World War, Harper Collins, NY 2003, 352pp., $27.99 More than half a century ago, in May of 1941, during a conflict that…

CODOH informs media of revisionist subtext in new anti-German polemic

The latest Holocaust fad of the month is Harvard Professor Daniel J. Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. The book was published last month by Alfred A. Knopf (at about the same time David Irving's Goebbels was canceled by St. Martin's) to a torrent of media hosannas unmatched since the apotheosis…

Outlaw History #31

Even PBS's Linda Ellerbee seems a little sheepish about the question, “Why another Holocaust documentary?” She should be. Another mixing of “re-creations” with historical footage will provide American and British viewers with a step-by-step approach to the planning and execution of a “final solution,” that, in the event, didn't happen. Something happened, all right. But…

Outlaw History #33

Laurence Rees, the producer of Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State, was interviewed on PBS, one of our State-sponsored media outlets. The first question he was asked was: “Why is this series important?” Rees's response: “Auschwitz is a physical place – the site of the single largest mass murder in the history of humanity.” Well, maybe….

Outlaw History #32

Night before last I watched the first two installments of Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State (we get PBS in Baja). Three matters caught my attention. First, I was truly surprised by how utterly conventional the film is. I suppose I had expected something new. Foolish me. There are claims that new documents are referenced here…

Congressman Henry A. Waxman Hapless Ignoramous or Simple Putz?

In the 30 August 1984 issue of B'nai B'rith Messenger congressman Henry A. Waxman has written another of his brainless and innuendo-filled articles about Holocaust “revisionists,” this one titled: “Holocaust De­Bunkers Persist.” In it he characterizes professor A.R. Butz, author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, as a bizzare figure who was “deported by…

Conspiracy – the Umpteenth

Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, America West, Carson City, NV, 1992, 267 pp., $16.95. “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”—Benjamin Franklin One thing that strikes a student of the history of the United States is the trend toward expanding and centralizing the power…

Jewish Supremacism

David Duke, Jewish Supremacism. My Awakening to the Jewish Question, Free Speech Press, Mandeville, LA, 2003, hc, 368 pp., $24.95 Who would want to associate himself with a former Ku Klux Klan member, a convict currently sitting in a federal prison for (probably constructed) tax charges, a man described as a neo-Nazi, anti-Semite, racist? That…

The Blind Spots of Mainstream ‘Holocaust Research’

Harry James Cargas (ed.), Problems Unique to the Holocaust, University of Kentucky Press, Lexington 2003, pb, 198 pp., $19.95 Are there any problems that are unique to the ‘Holocaust’? Asking this question in a revisionist periodical seems to be a bad joke. But when mainstream scholars use this question as the title for a collection…

False Witnesses

The world of medical science has produced another stunning book about the phenomenon first identified as “Holocaust Survivor Syndrome” – the manner in which groups of people genuinely and honestly come to believe over the years that they have witnessed episodes which are, in fact, largely products of trauma and fantasy: Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Loftus,…

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