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The Non-Existent “Auschwitz Gas Chambers” of Deborah Lipstadt and Robert Jan van Pelt

Preliminary note: This essay is dedicated to the Holocaust revisionist scholar, Dr. Robert Faurisson. He was the first to point out the chemical and toxicological impossibility of these Auschwitz gas chamber stories. Part 1 I In her 1993 critique of the Holocaust revisionist movement, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, prominent…

Our War Films Come Back To Haunt Us

It is discomforting, if not embarrassing, when watching films Hollywood made about W.W. II, to note the parallel between ourselves and the Germans; especially regarding occupation. There are those who will say we bear no resemblance, that we stand for liberty and freedom, but it is we of course who say this, just as the…

Facing up to the Truth

The Revisionist, Helen Schulman, Crown Publishers, 1998 The Revisionist is a work of fiction (with no affiliation or connection to the magazine that you are currently reading) that confronts psychological “denial” on multiple levels. Helen Schulman has written a fast-paced book in which her main character, a neurotic neurologist, David Hershleder learns to cope with…

In Defense of Holocaust Revisionism

Denying History: Who Says The Holocaust Never Happened And Why Do They Say It? by Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman; forward by Arthur Hertzberg. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Clothbound, 312 pages, $27.50, Hb., ISBN 0-520-21612-1 In the annals of anti-revisionist literature, this book occupies an important position, for it is an ambitious attempt…

Holocaust Revisionism vs. Richard Evans

Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trials, Richard J. Evans, New York, 2001 As most visitors to this site already know, from January to April 2000 the high-profile libel case brought by British historian David Irving against Jewish American historian Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books, was tried in the British…

Diagnosis without Cure

The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, Patrick J. Buchanan, New York, 2002 The title of Pat Buchanan's latest book instantly brings to mind Oswald Spengler's classic two-volume study, The Decline of the West. The similarities between these efforts, however, end with the title. While Spengler's…

The Case For Auschwitz: Evidence From The Irving Trial, by Robert Jan van Pelt

The Case For Auschwitz: Evidence From The Irving Trial, by Robert Jan van Pelt. Indiana UP, Bloomington & Indianapolis, 2002. 1. Introduction When the British historian David Irving brought Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books to court for libel in early 2000, the defense submitted a number of expert opinions by historians in order to buttress…

Belzec/Kola – Going to Extremes to Sell the Lie

BELZEC: The Nazi Camp For Jews In The Light Of Archaeological Sources. Excavations 1997-1998, by Andrezej Kola This book appears to be the ultimate culmination to the gradual appearance of accounts that reported on alleged archaeological studies done at the alleged mass extermination camp Belzec between 1997 and 1999. The book is written by Andrezej…

A deceptive distortion of the German National Railway history

The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich. A History of the German National Railway. Volume 2: 19332-1945 by Alfred C. Mierzejewski. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000. Hardcover. Index. 248 pages. US$45. This book and its earlier companion volume that covered the Reichsbahn from 1920-1932 has all the characteristics of being…

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