
Reviews of entire books – brochures, monographs, anthologies.

Russia Against Japan, 1904-05: A New Look at the Russo-Japanese War

Russia Against Japan, 1904-05: A New Look at the Russo-Japanese War by J.N. Westwood. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press 1986, $34.50 Hb. Ever wonder what a Revisionist book might read like if it were published by, and with the consent of, the Establishment? If such could happen, it would have to…

WK. v. U.-Ziechmann

The Falcon and the Eagle: Montenegro and Austria, 1908-1914 by John D. Treadway; Purdue University Press, 349 pp. $18.00 Aptly titled, The Falcon and The Eagle, while of particular interest to the student of diplomatic historiy, makes absolutely fascinating reading, even for those general scanners who have but the most fleeting impression of the immediate…

Selling Hitler

Selling Hitler by Robert Harris. New York: Pantheon Books. First American edition, 1986, 402 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-394-5533-5. The quantities of Third-Reich-related forgeries in circulation can generally be divided into two categories. First, there are the forgeries made by the World War II Allies, and by various international pressure groups, for propaganda purposes, such as…

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race

Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler's Third Race by Alan Abrams. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985, 261pp, ISBN 0-8184-0364-0. This book may have the most ironic title of any work dealing with the Jews of Europe in the 1930's and 40's. Its author, Alan Abrams, is a convinced Exterminationist, but the “special treatment” he…

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist by Bradley R. Smith. Los Angeles: Prima Facie, 1987, 118 pages + (vi), $11.95 Hb (ISBN 0-943415-00-4), $6.95 Pb (ISBN 0-943415-00-4). When you see a title starting with the word Confessions nowadays, it's usually safe to assume that some sort of parody is being undertaken. The moral earnestness and the…

Marxism in the United States

Marxism in the United States: Remapping the History of the American Left, by Paul Buhle. London: Verso (Haymarket Series), 1987, paperback, 299 pages, $12.95, ISBN 0-86091-848-3. The most enjoyable treasure is that which is found in the most unlikely place. Who would have thought of looking in a history of American Marxism, written by a…

Stalin’s War

Stalin's War: A Radical New Theory of the Origins of the Second World War, by Ernst Topitsch. Translated by A. and B.E. Taylor. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987, 160 pages, $19.95, ISBN: 0-312-0989-5. Can there be any real doubt who was the prime mover in the tumultuous events of 1933-1945? From the vast majority…

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