
Reviews of entire books – brochures, monographs, anthologies.

Three Books on Treblinka

During recent years there have appeared from time to time new books on the Treblinka “death camp”. Compared with the vast number of Auschwitz-related publications, and considering the fact that, according to the exterminationist point of view, Treblinka claimed the second-highest number of victims among the six “death camps” (the victim figure given usually varies…


Night, by Elie Wiesel. Bantam Books, New York, 1982, 109 pp. In Night, written by Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize for literature, has, for such a small book, a very large reputation. I hasten to mention, however, the Bantam Books edition I am reviewing boasts the complete text of the original…

The Night the Dams Burst

by David Irving, Focal Point Publications, England, 2011. 144pp. The first new book by British iconoclast David Irving since 2008’s Banged Up is The Night the Dams Burst. For those of us who have been waiting for the third installment of Churchill’s War or the long-promised biography of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, this release came as…

The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U. S. Spy Ship

by James Scott, Simon and Schuster, New York, N.Y., 2009, hardcover, 374 pages. “With friends like these, who needs enemies?”—familiar saying In June 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israeli air and naval forces attacked the American spy ship the USS Liberty in the Mediterranean Sea killing 34 and wounding 171 of the crew members. James…

The Delusion of the Twentieth Century

The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes: And Other Writings on the Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding, by Samuel Crowell, Nine Banded Books, Charleston, W. Va., 2011. 401pp. Indexed. In the mid-1990s Holocaust revisionism began to reach new audiences through the Internet. Until that time most revisionism was largely confined to various small-run newsletters and journals…

Sleuthery in Retrospect

The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes: And Other Writings on the Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding by Samuel Crowell, Nine Banded Books, Charleston, W. Va., 2011. 401pp. Indexed. The account of the Holocaust that reigns today is itself a historical phenomenon. Many who have given its content close attention and undertaken to verify it against…

The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes: And Other Writings on the Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding

The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes: And Other Writings on the Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding, by Samuel Crowell, Nine Banded Books, Charleston, W. Va., 2011. 401pp. Indexed. Reading Samuel Crowell’s, The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes is a little like stumbling across the first perfectly sane inmate in an insane asylum years after being…

The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition

The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic, by Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 2010. 182pp. Sometimes it is easy for us to forget that, in the quite recent past, Holocaust revisionism was a thriving movement that exacted some pretty…

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