Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Memorabilia:Is it them or Is it Us?

The exploitation of the German monster scam is supported by the great majority of Americans who are Jews, and the great majority of Americans who are not Jews. Oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, we can say that with regard to the Holocaust question Jews and Gentiles act as if we are all "brothers under…

Denying Denial

[ Editor’s Note: The Ernst Zündel trial, where both David Irving and Fred Leuchter were witnesses, is something I had a front row seat on, having known Ingrid and Ernst for a long time now. The Holohoax Lobby went down in flames from that court case, as it got massive publicity. Sure… the Lobby folks…

Deborah Lipstadt, Lost in the Age of Internet

Early Holocaust Revisionists: Freedman, Hoggan, Barnes, and Rassinier   The Defenders of the Holocaust Faith have been outspoken about politics recently. On 14 November Deborah Lipstadt told Politico that she was “flabbergasted” and “almost at a loss for words” because of the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump's chief advisor, given Bannon's association with…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Ruling Discourse on Holocaust Studies

With the renewed interest in Deborah Lipstadt due to the release of the film Denial, we have chosen to include this article by the late Bradley R. Smith. Smith comments extensively about Lipstadt’s anti-revisionist book, Denying the Holocaust and especially the vitriol that Lipstadt unleashed on him for his work to introduce college students to…

David v. Goliath: Irving versus Lipstadt (London, 2000)

Acknowledgment: I wish to thank David Irving for a prompt and thorough response to my request that he review a draft of this article for accuracy. He pointed out several areas of misstatement or neglected points, and this permitted considerable improvement to the article. An identical request made at the same time to Dr. Lipstadt…

Bradley R. Smith

Bradley R. Smith was born into a working-class family in South Central Los Angeles on February 18, 1930, where the family remained until 1970. He was a good student on occasion, but was more interested in horses than education. At 18, he joined the army, and in 1951 served in the 7th Cavalry in Korea,…

A Revisionist Swashbuckler

I first met Bradley Smith thirty-one years ago. It was early 1985, I had just moved to Southern California from Japan, and Bradley was waiting for me in front of the Los Angeles bus station. He was twenty years older than I, we had different backgrounds and aspirations, and we were friends from the beginning….

Remembering Bradley R. Smith

On Thursday evening, 18 February 2016, I glanced at my email on my phone. The subject of a newly received message struck me like a lightning bolt. “Bradley RIP” was all it said. It wasn’t that it was entirely unexpected. Bradley had been ill for many years, fighting off heart ailments, cancer, and even a bullet…

Alternative Information Forbidden in France

In August 2014 Professor Robert Faurisson was interviewed by Tépa (real name Patrick d'Hondt, a native of Réunion) for Meta TV, a web-site that calls itself "France's first free and independent media of alternative information." On 23 November 2016 in Paris, a criminal prosecution of Faurisson and his interviewer, because of statements made during the interview, concluded with…

Free Speech on the Web: CODOH

CODOH was born of the initiative of its founder, Bradley R. Smith to promote intellectual freedom with regard to the Holocaust question on what was then a much smaller scene of information sharing, just at the moment of explosion of  what would become a revolution of information exchange: the digital era and  its  medium:  Internet….

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