Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Lyle Stuart “Barricades” Revisionist Manuscripts

I recently had occasion to read an article sent me from the Hoboken Record (2 February 97) titled “House of Stuart.” It gave the background to the publishing history of Lyle Stuart, who is perhaps the most independent and controversial mainstream book publisher in the United States. He specializes in publishing books that challenge orthodox…


You may have noticed that this issue of Smith's Report is late. If I were a sober, practical professional I wouldn’t let on why. But mine is an unfailingly amateur personality so I’m going to spill the beans. I’m over my head in expenses and debt and I’m moving to Rosarito—as in Mexico—a beach town…

Update on Ernst Zuendel and the Canadian Hate Police

Ernst Zuendel’s hearing before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal opened on May 28th, and closed the next day. As reported in SR #39 (January 1997), the misnamed tribunal is attempting to close down the US-based Zuendel Website by holding Ernst responsible under Canadian law pertaining to hate (!) messages over the telephone (!!). While a…

Internet Roundup

In past columns I have discussed many of the values that the Internet affords revisionism. One of the greatest advantages, however, is one that I have not yet mentioned, that is, “networking.” Through use of electronic-mail (email) revisionists have been able to communicate faster and more efficiently. This has been of great importance in emergency…

Hans Schmidt’s Dramatic Aaccount of his Incarceration in “Democratic” Germany

Hans Schmidt has just published a memoir of his 1995 incarceration by the German thought-police, Jailed in 'Democratic' Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer. As many SR readers will remember, Schmidt was grabbed by German thought police while returning home from Germany in the summer of 1995. The 68-year-old writer was arrested and imprisoned…

SR Worldscope on Revisionism and Revisionists

Publication of David Irving’s Goebbels by Lyle Stuart’s Barricade Press set for August, according to the 10 February issue of Publisher’s Weekly, bible of the book industry. Despite Stuart’s record of publishing outre books (such as Dr. William Pierce’s sanguinary Turner Diaries), we’ll believe it when we see it. Latest from the Northwestern front: a…

Major Media Turns its Attention to Arthur Butz’s Web Page

The great scandal continues to roil. Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, as well as professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences at Northwestern University, is now able to present his views on the “Holocaust” cheaply and effectively by means of his own page on the university’s Website. Last month the…

SR Bullet-in-Briefs

The previous issue of SR reported on the current legal ordeals of Robert Faurisson and Ernst Zuendel. There are these further developments: In Paris, the justices of France's Supreme Court of Appeals have responded to Professor Faurisson's petition that they consider whether the Loi Gayssot, which decrees that challenging the factuality of the “Holocaust” is…

Carlos Porter, Sentenced in Germany, Says “Nuts” from Belgium

Carlos Whitlock Porter, an American who has analyzed the charges, evidence and testimony in the post-WWII trials of the Germans and Japanese, was convicted in absentia by a Munich court late last year of sending his book, Not Guilty at Nuremberg, into Germany. In a letter to the court dripping with the scorn and defiance…

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