Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

'Alternative History” in France

???. In France, a lively new revisionist history periodical L'Autre Histoire (“The Other History” or “Alternative History”) is making a mark. Now in its third year of publication, a typical issue of this attractively laid out, richly illustrated, and intelligently written magazine-format periodical is 48 pages in length. Editor-publisher is Trystan Mordrel. The June 1997…

Victory for Collins and Free Speech in Holocaust Heresy Battle

In a surprise ruling, the British Columbia (Canada) Human Rights Tribunal rejected a complaint by a major Jewish organization against veteran journalist Doug Collins and his publisher, the North Shore News, for an allegedly anti-Jewish column on the “Schindler’s List” motion picture. The Tribunal found that the opinion piece, which took aim at Holocaust claims,…

Retirement, “Nuremberg” and Auschwitz “Rambo'

Retiring, Not Quitting Doug Collins, an award-winning journalist, has worked for several Canadian daily newspapers, and is the author of several books. He served with the British army during the Second World War, and then with the British control commission in postwar occupied Germany. The three essays published here are reprinted from his columns in…

New Attacks Against Arthur Butz for Revisionist Web Site

Ever since the publication two decades ago of his pioneering revisionist study, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Northwestern University teacher Arthur Butz has been something of an embarrassment for the highly regarded private educational institution. Recently the Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering has again come under attack for presenting his dissident view…

The Changing Story: Early Doubts

From the very beginning there were grave doubts about allegations of mass killings of European Jews. Although such reports were a major feature of the Allies’ “psychological warfare” campaign during the Second World War, top British and American officials in a position to know what was going on in German-ruled Europe did not believe what…

On the Garaudy/Abbé Pierre Affair

Someone has passed on to me a comment by Jean Stevenin, a lawyer of the Paris bar: “This is a continuation of the Faurisson affair!” For him, at bottom, the Garaudy/Abbé Pierre affair is (as was the Roques affair or the Notin affair) a growth, a resurgence and a continuation of the Faurisson affair, which…

Thies Christophersen

Thies Christophersen, 1918-1997 Thies Christophersen – pioneer revisionist writer and courageous fighter for truth in history – died February 13, 1997, at Molfsee, Kiel, in north Germany. He was 79. In a memoir first published in Germany in 1973, he related his wartime experiences as a German army officer in the Auschwitz camp complex. “During…

French Study of Israel’s ‘Founding Myths’ Provokes Furious Attack

Even as independent thinking is being suppressed in “politically correct” America, and erased in today’s national-masochist Germany, happily some remnants of traditional Gallic nonconformism are still alive in France. If a Frenchman asks you the rhetorical question “Do you think I am a fool?,” it means he is irritated by your naive assumption that he…

On the Front Line for Free Speech and Open Historical Inquiry

The Press Council Decision [From the North Shore News, Oct. 22, 1995] Here's a shot from the battle front and the British Columbia Press Council decision that “in part” upholds the complaints made by my Jewish friend Lionel Kenner concerning a column I wrote two years ago. The piece was headed “The Story Keeps Changing,”…

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