Third Reich Era

Events, organizations and personalities of National Socialist Germany – excluding war-related events (see “World War II”) and the alleged extermination events of the war period (see “Holocaust” & “Final Solution”).

The Traitors in the Officer Corps of the German Armed Forces

By Wilfried Heink- Following World War I, Germany's army was demoralized, reduced to groups of free lance mercenaries. Discipline, the core of any army, especially in the German/Prussian army, was no longer. This breakdown had already started in the last month of WWI, when German troops who had been exposed to the Bolshevik virus while…

The Forgery of a Forgery

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.”—Winston Churchill My name is Joseph P. Bellinger, and I was the first researcher to uncover convincing documentary evidence that SS Chief Heinrich Himmler was assassinated by British agents in May, 1945, along with the clumsy attempts by individuals involved in his demise to…

Mengele: The Complete Story

Mengele: The Complete Story, by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware (McGraw-Hill, New York 1986). Gerald Posner is a Jewish-American journalist, born in 1954 and perhaps most well-known for his book Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (1993). In it, Posner asserts that virtually all of the findings of the Warren…

Documents on Himmler Murder Forged

Three weeks ago I reported that David Irving had posted documents proving that Heinrich Himmler was murdered. Now, as a result of investigations commissioned by the London newspaper The Daily Telegraph [once at, but now removed; ed.], it appears these documents were forged. The documents in question came from the archives of the British…

A deceptive distortion of the German National Railway history

The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich. A History of the German National Railway. Volume 2: 19332-1945 by Alfred C. Mierzejewski. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000. Hardcover. Index. 248 pages. US$45. This book and its earlier companion volume that covered the Reichsbahn from 1920-1932 has all the characteristics of being…

The Plum Cake

Since the end of World War II a search has continued, and for many has ended with the quarry having eluded its hunters. Some believe what they seek never existed in physical form, but existed nonetheless. It is vitally important that it existed during the war though it has never been located by those chasing…

The Arafat Conspiracy

Some years ago Commentary magazine, the flagship publication for neo-conservative Jews, published an article by Milton Himmelfarb that made the simple assertion: “No Hitler, no Holocaust.” What Himmelfarb meant was that if it hadn’t been for the driving force provided by Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism, neither the Germans nor anyone else would have acted towards the…

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