World War II

On 8 May 1995, the British prime minister, John Major, referred to the end of World War II as the end of a thirty years’ war; in this, he was correct: both sides saw this war as an attempt to complete a task left undone at the close of the First World War – the show-down which ended European global domination. The Second World War was, however, the ultimate catastrophe of modern history, laying waste the heart and soul of Europe. Here you will find contributions about this conflict, its prelude, conduct, and personalities – excluding non-military Nazi personalities, which are covered under the entry “Third Reich Era.” Also covered are contributions dealing with war crimes (and lies about alleged war crimes) committed in the course of the conflict. This does not include the “Holocaust,” which has a separate entry (and is not a war crime in the strict sense).

Jewish Co-Responsibility for Jewish Persecution in 1941

Bogdan Musial, “Konterrevolutionäre Elemente sind zu erschießen.” Die Brutalisierung des deutsch-sowjetischen Krieges im Sommer 1941 (“Counter Revolutionary Elements are to be Shot.” The Brutalization of the German-Soviet War in the Summer 1941), Propyläen-Verlag, Berlin 2000, 349 pp., € 20.-. Since 1996, a photo exhibition organized by a communist organization located in Hamburg, Germany, which featured…

The Russians in Berlin in 1945

Antony Beevor, The Fall of Berlin 1945, Viking Penguin, London/New York, May 2002, 512 pp. hardcover, $29.95 With much hullabaloo, the publication of the newest book of the British military historian Anthony Beevor was announced at the beginning of April: For example, “Rapists of the Red Army Exposed” was the headline by Chris Summers of…

The First Holocaust

Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we known about this six-million figure? The most frequent answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World…

The Suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Conclusion

By Wilfried Heink The last two chapters of Verbrechen der Sieger are titled “Polen” (Poland) and “Tschechoslowakei” (Czechoslovakia). Poland was defeated and therefore did not have any legitimate armed forces and as a consequence not able to capture “Prisoners of War”. About 800,000 German POWs were concentrated in the area of East/Germany-Poland, among them 7,500…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part V

By Wilfried Heink- The next chapter is titled “Soviet Union” (Sowjetunion), and begins with “Morgenröte der Befreiung“ (The dawn of liberation). It is well worth the effort to go into this before continuing with the plight of German POWs, this time in the Soviet Union (SU), for it lays the foundation for what happened to…

Samuel Crowell’s Letter to the Director of the USHMM

Committee for Open Debate on the HolocaustPost Office Box 439016 / MCD P-111 San Diego CA 92143 Tel (San Diego): 619.687.1950 On the Internet: 28 August 1997 Walter Reich, Director United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Washington D.C. 20024 Dear Dr. Reich: Some months ago I came across materials that showed a remarkable connection between…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part IV

By Wilfried Heink- In the Fight with the Partisans: This is the caption of the first chapter under “Yugoslavia” – getting back to Crimes of the Victors, the book under discussion. It contains four chapters in total, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Instead of writing “the authors tell us”, or “we are told”, I'll…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part III

By Wilfried Heink- Dr. Rudolf Aschenauer, a lawyer who was involved in the defense of German soldiers, in his book about partisans “Krieg ohne Grenzen” (War without borders, [Druffel-Verlag, Leoni am Starnberger See, 1982]), complains that the partisan issue was never properly addressed in all the trials he was involved in (p. 139). To make…

The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in WWII. Part II

By Wilfried Heink The next chapter is by Prof. Dr. Fritz Münch, titled: Zum Recht der Kriegsgefangenschaft (The Rights of Prisoners of War). The author tells us that existing law concerning POWs is relatively new, going into some detail regarding the Hague Rules of Warfare and the Geneva Convention. He also states that during WWII…

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