Cover Letter for Smith’s Report #203
Bradley Smith, Founder
Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
PO Box 439316
San Ysidro, California 92143
Telephone 209 682 5327
Email: [email protected]
18 March 2014
Friend and (oftentimes) supporter:
Sara Bloomfield is the Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The grand scenario of Sara Bloomfield and the Museum is blurred, though its purpose is clear. Profit. Profit as fundraising, profit as influence in Congress, profit as influence in media, profit as influence in the universities and all of it in the end profit for Israel (if all goes well).
In order to fill the fundraising goals of the Museum, Sara has to support a number of contradictory concepts. The overriding model is that of the unique monstrosity of the Germans, and the matchless innocence of Jews. This should be a dead giveaway to anyone who is sober, but we are talking here of a very special culture of the mind-or psyche.
Sara, being a victim, as so many of her comrades are, does not understand that it is not kosher to argue, under the ex-post-facto laws of "common design," that if you were German or Ukrainian say, and helped the Germans in any way at German concentration camps, you were guilty of one or more war crimes. But if you were a Jewish Sonderkommando helping Germans in the camps in any way, that you are innocent of all wrong-doing.
One irony I doubt very much that Sara will be able to comprehend-intellectually yes, perhaps, but emotionally?–is that she and I are in agreement with part of this. The Sam Itskowitzes and Abraham Bombas and the rest of that crew who testified on film to collaborating with Germans at gas-chamber/crematoria complexes are not war criminals. Not at all. They were simple liars. These were men like Sara who also had profit in mind. Not money, perhaps, but their desire for their minute of fame, no matter how dirty the circumstances.
I am going to focus in the coming months on our Director, Sara Bloomfield. I will use her own words, the materials on her own Website, her own ideals about war crimes and inhuman behavior to try to get across to her the depth of her confusion. I think she is very likely a good soul, caught up in something foul, and that there may well be help for her. She might be able to do a little something to encourage her Museum to right some of what is wrong there.
It will be necessary, however, to not keep this strictly between she and I, but to broadcast the story far and wide among all those who profess an interest in it, including all the for-profit folk in the Holocaust Industry itself, to Media and to academics and student organizations nationwide. All the For-Profits will try to ignore and suppress what I am doing here, but this time they will not be able to close me down.
All this involves considerable expense. We do not dream of matching the yearly budget of Ms. Bloomfield's USHMM, which is some 50-million dollars, but we do need help. Your support is essential to this work. Thank you.
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