Ernst Zündel: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations 4 of 12 (28:00 min)
Ernst Zundel The true story of German Jewish relations. (sous-titres en français)
Ernst Zundel (1939-2017) was a Canadian of German descent, who fought against and exposed the holoco$t fraud for many many years. He suffered persecution by Zionists, who pipebombed his home, physically assaulted him and supporters, and dragged him through the courts on spurious archaic laws. Eventually, Ernst was acquited of all charges. However, the Zionists managed to get Ernst deported from Canada to Germany, where he spent years in prison for "denying" the holocau$t drivel. In this video (28 minutes), Ernst relates the real story of relations between the Germans and the Jews. This is part 4 of 12.
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