Holocaust: Auschwitz Virtual Tour (1:19:22)
Ever been to Auschwitz? Well you don't have to. Here, three revisionists go on a "virtual" tour of Auschwitz. Auschwitz was in fact three places. In this one hour hour and nineteen minute long video, they candidly discuss the various places in Auschwitz I (the original camp) Auschwitz II (Birkenau) and Auschwitz III (Monowitz). The three revisionists do a superb examination of the camp, showing that "gas chambers" were just nonsense. The swimming pool is looked at, the "gas chambers" and the crematoria are also examined. The underground "undressing" rooms of the crematoria are also examined. Note is taken of a little "elevator" [lift] which Van Pelt, a Jewish "expert", claims that 1,500 Jews (this claim was reduced from 10,000, and then 4,000) were taken up to be cremated, one or two at a time. Of course, we are supposed to believe that Germans, the efficiency experts per se actually bothered with this lunatic procedure. The Germans also managed to cremate large numbers of Jews, by using tiny amounts of Coke, apparently. When its come to rationality then the "Holocaust" just falls apart.
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