The Holocaust Shifting the Blame Pt. 1 (Documentary by Jews for Hitler)
In this 46 minute video, part 1 of 2, written by a Jew, the "Holocaust" atrocity lie is examined in a different way than normal. The "Holocaust" is examined in its historical context, and the author shows it as a fraud, amongst many frauds committed by Jews. The author looks at history before the alleged "Holocaust" atrocity lie and shows how it is an attack on Germany, Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and Whites, generally. It is normally assumed that the "holocaust" happened because the Germans were jealous of Jewish financial success. Here the Jewish author states that previously, Jews as Communists were involved in rebellion in Russia, which led to 20 to 30 million (mostly) Russians being killed, and about 11 million Ukrainians being starved to death. The author shows how whites are forcefed "guilt", but Jews are taught hatred of whites. Indeed the author claims that Zionists ensure that Jews are more brainwashed than whites. The Jewish author points out that over 80% of Communist leaders are of Jewish origin, but only about 1% of the population. The over riding role of Jewish Communists and Jewish bankers supporting them is somehow left out of history books. So-called "gas chambers" were only found in the Communist zone. One at Dachau in the western zone was faked by the Americans, and notices say it was never used. Evidence for "gas chambers" is solely lying witnesses or forced confessions. The author points out that asking Communists to provide "evidence" is like asking serial killers to do so. The Jewish author is well aware that to expose the "holocaust" as a fraud is illegal, and can result in a prison sentence in most European countries. Consequently the Jewish author states that the "holocaust" happened and the the number of victims was between six million and six billion! The author also examines the terror bombing by the RAF, the Jewish dominated slave trade the smearing of those who expose the "Holocaust" lie and the Zionist media's role in producing films, which always put the blame elsewhere.
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