Holohoax Tales Human Soap Opens the Pores for Zyklon-B
In this video clip (2 minutes) the Jewish soap atrocity story is examined. According to the hate propaganda, which originated from the Allies, the Jews would arrive at Auschwitz and then be selected. Those fit for work would stand on the left, those on the right were deemed useless and would go to the "gas chambers". Those going to the right would be told they were having a shower. They were told to use soap (unknown to them made from Jewish corpses) beforehand. Unknown to the Jews was that this soap would open their pores, so Zyclon B gases could kill them quicker. Jewish "rats" would them go into the gas chamber after 4 minutes and get the corpses out so they could be cremated. These Jews were called "rats" as they were working for the Germans. Of course, the "Jew Soap" myth is now been discounted, thankfully. US and Israeli Holocaust Museums confirm Human Soap is a myth. Human "soap" which had been used as an anti-German atrocity story by the SIS in the First World War, obviously didn't cut the mustard a few decades later.
Youtube: Dragonman's
Showing off my Nazi room!
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