Jim Rizoli John Friend and Fred Leuchter Discussion of the HoloHoax (1:30:09)
In this superb video (One and a half hours) Jim Rizoli, John Friend, and Frederick Leuchter talk about the outrageous decision by the "American" government to deport Karl Berger to the castrate called the Federal Republic of Germany. Jim, John, and Fred are all experts on the "Holocaust" atrocity lie. Fred has personal experience in his engineering career of the execution of mainly black criminals in US prisons by "gas chambers". Fred had investigated the so-called "gas chambers" at Auschwitz and found that the claim that they were "gas chambers" was totally false. The idea that they could have been used as "gas chambers" was found by Fred to be also completely false. After telling the truth, Fred was then subjected by Zionists to campaign of vicious harrassment, which broke up his marriage, damaged his profession, and destroyed his reputation. The three talk about the Zionist manipulation and abuse of the American legal system which manages to deport Karl Berger, an American citizen on trumped up charges to a hostile "state". Karl has been living in the US for over 60 years. Jim, John, and Fred discuss the motive for this vicious treatment of an American citizen. Jim points out that Karl was just a low-ranked perimeter guard and the attack on him is just a question of power politics by Zionists who think America is just a country to be exploited. Jim points out that Berger states that there was no abuse of prisoners at the camp. Jim also states that it is in the interests of Zionists to keep the "holocaust" atrocity lie, going for years, and years and years.
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