Memorabilia: Ernst Zündel: The Holocaust of Dresden
Ernst Zundel explores the horrors of the Allies' destruction of Dresden. Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2014) was a dedicated fighter for the truth against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie. Here, he shows a real offering by fire (Holocaust) offered up by Winston Spencer-Churchill, by the Royal Air Force, against the city and people of Dresden. Winston Spencer-Churchill began the bombing of German civilians, in a bid to break their morale. Contrary, to historical myths, the Luftwaffe never deliberately bombed civilian targets, and it had been abandoned and rejected through good military reasoning, long before 1939. Winston Spencer-Churchill had been advised by a certain Lindemann to attack German civilians, and he authorised this stupid policy. RAF "Terror bombing" resulted in the deaths of about 700,000 German civilians. The pointless and stupid attack on Dresden can be only described as the "Old Testament" mentality. Estimates of the victims range from 50,000 (the "Allied" "estimate") to over 100,000. The city of Dresden was at the time packed by a unknown number of German civilians fleeing Communist atrocities in the East.
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