Never Stop Reminding
Pushback in the Hack
An alert to commemorate the Israeli/Jewish holy day of Yom Hashoah (one of several annual Holocaust Remembrance days) within the Democratic National Committee (then headed by disgraced Jewess Deborah Wasserman-Schultz) bounced around from Director of Jewish Engagement Aaron Weinberg to end up in the in box of the Catholic Kate Houghton, whose future with the DNC doesn’t look very good, either.

Peeved, perhaps with Holocaust-remembrance overload, Houghton initially balked at the assignment (here is the announcement that ultimately emerged) and responded as quoted in this article with the point that the holy days of other religions/countries were not customarily noted by the DNC nor, for that matter, by the Other Party’s national committee. She was obviously and thoroughly outgunned, though not quite as literally as her former co-worker Seth Rich was after the infamous hack of the DNC’s e-mails. At least, not yet.
While the correspondence involving Houghton’s still, small voice was part of the trove that was publicized from the hack, the DNC’s public announcement linked above makes reference to an FBI-foiled “attack” on a Jewish community center that is actually in Wasserman-Schultz’s Congressional district by a mentally disabled homeless man who was provided a fake “bomb” with which to blow up the Hebraic sanctuary.
The FBI, your Congresswoman and the DNC, all working to keep us safe. Unless, of course, you happen to work for the DNC itself.
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