Prof. Robert Faurisson Germans Punished by Germans during World War II for Mistreating Jews
Professor Robert Faurrisson shows how Germans were punished by the wartime German Government for the mis-treatment and killing of Jews. Professor Robert Faurisson is renowned for his question, "show me or draw me a gas chamber!". In this 56 minute video, Professor Robert Faurisson, a foremost French scholar, talks to the Insitute of Historical Review in June 2002 about a little known subject, cases where Germans were punished for mistreatment of Jews. Professor Robert Faurisson shows that while orders for the genocide of the Jews are not found, not a plan or a budget either, and were either transmitted by "nods" by Hitler or seemingly "telepathic" meeting of minds, there does exist documented cases of Germans, even SS men, being punished for ill-treatment of Jews. Professor Robert Faurisson tells of a number of cases, even one at Auschwitz, when a German guard was punished for slapping a Jew, who was acting up in a work party.
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