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Don’t Pay with Credit/Debit Cards!

Fraudsters Extrapolated damage caused by credit-card fraud from 2021 through 2027; By their very nature, credit and debit cards are extremely insecure means of paying. They allow worldwide frauds of more than 30 billion(!) dollars every year, and rising (see chart). Anyone knowing someone’s credit-card number and expiration date can take the owner’s money…

Ernst Zündel, Robert Faurisson and Fred Leuchter at Zündelhaus (17 June 1989) (1:15:22)

In this historic Samisdat produced video (one hour and 15 miutes) we see three great fighters for the truth. Each one of these great men, Ernst Zundel (1939-2017), Professor Robert Faurisson (1929-2018) and Fred Leuchter (1943-) suffered a great deal in the struggle. All had their careers ruined by Zionist "Holoco$t" enforcers. The three men suffered…

David Irving in Niagara Falls (1:09:27)

David Irving in Niagara Falls  In this Samisdat produced video (One hour nine minutes) Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) introduces David Irving, the brilliant English best-selling author and incredible researcher. Ernst speaks for ten minutes before David goes to the rostrum. David makes a speech for about three quarters of a hour. David talks about his…

Alfred Schaffer Update With Monika (June 19, 2021), DEC 26, 2021 (30:53 min)

The delightful Monika Schaffer of the Truth and Justice for Germany Society gives an update (30 minutes) of the status of her brother Alfred. Alfred is a fearless fighter for Germany, and dedicated for giving his fellow Germans, the truth about the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie.

150,000 Holocaust Survivors Get $1,400 Covid Grants from Germany ( 56 segs)

The "Holocau$t" has evolved in many ways. The "gas chamber" lie started as atrocity propaganda by the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) also known as MI6, the Secret Service. It was then taken up by the Allies to smear the National Socialist government of Germany. The Communists used it to discredit those had fought hardest against their…

E. Michael Jones FINALLY DISCUSSES the Holocaust Myth (1:05:39)

  Professor E. Michael Jones (born 1977) is a writer and author of many books dealing with his devout Catholic views and opinions. Here in this video (one hour and five minutes) he talks about many issues that affect the Catholic church at the present time. Some of his books touch on the various pressures on…

CODOH’s Christmas Message 2021

Face Mask with Elon Musk quote: "The Don't Ban Hate Speech, They Ban Speech They Hate" As every year, please allow us to report to all our fans, patrons, followers, customers and supporters the activities we were engaged in during the year 2021: CODOH Board of Trustees Castle Hill Publishers CODOH Forum CODOH’s Social Media…

Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy Brothers (1:26:45)

Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy Brothers The assassination of President Kennedy left a great scar on the American mentality. This video (One hour and 26 minutes) examines the role of the Kennedy brothers in US history. Was for example, Lee Harvey Oswald working alone? Why did Jack Ruby (real name Jacob Leon Rubenstein) shoot…

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