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Austria’s Fröhlich sentenced to six and a half years for denouncing Holocaust

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell An Austrian court has sentenced Wolfgang Fröhlich, a former city councilor to four years in prison for Holocaust denial, adding another two-and-a-half years of a previous suspended sentence. Fröhlich pleaded “absolutely not guilty.” He had already served 23 months behind bars since 2003 and was quite…

Holocaust Revisionist Robert Faurisson and the Hypocrisy of the French Government

Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 January 15, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, It has been reported that revisionist historian Robert Faurisson will face trial on charges that he made statements at the Iran Holocaust Conference in December 2006, which cast doubt on the so-called Jewish Holocaust….

Theil Prison Sentence Confirmed in France

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Georges Theil has been denied the option of electronic tagging for thoughtcrimes in France. He has had his sentence of imprisonment confirmed. The decision of January 8, 2008 concerning the implementation of the 6-month prison sentence for Georges Theil (author of the book Heresy in 20th…

Zündel Attorney Sentenced to 3 1/2 years in “Democratic” Germany

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Sylvia Stolz, the former attorney for Ernst Zündel, has been convicted for Holocaust denial in the once democratic Germany. Shockingly, Stolz, who was hired to defend Zündel, who has been imprisoned in Germany for Holocaust denial now finds herself sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison….

Going Underground: “Catacomb Revisionists” and Revisionist Repression

Introduction For many, the phrase “going underground” conjures up images of anti-establishment sub-cultures. Oftentimes, we think of groups or individuals “going underground” when their thoughts or ideas have resulted in persecution in mainstream society. Fyodor Dostoevsky utilized the term in his story, Notes from Underground his all-out assault on Enlightenment rationalism. Others may think of…

The Holocaust: The New Founding Myth of American Society

The American public overwhelmingly accepts the basic tenets of the Holocaust. It is nearly incomprehensible to most people that there are some who are willing risk their life and liberty to revise or even deny the main pillars of the Holocaust story – the Six Million, the Hitler-ordered extermination of Jews, and the use of…

Georges Theil and barrister Eric Delcroix before the judge

Georges Theil and barrister Eric Delcroix before the judge in charge of implementation of sentences (Juge d'application des peines) in Grenoble on December 18, 2007 Today Georges Theil, accompanied by his barrister, Eric Delcroix, answered the summons of the “Juge d'application des peines” in Grenoble concerning Mr Theil's six month prison sentence handed down by…

France’s LePen on trial for “justification of war crimes”

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Prosecutors have demanded that Jean-Marie Le Pen should be given a five-month suspended prison sentence and a 10,000 euro fine for saying that the Nazi occupation of France was “not particularly inhumane.” LePen is a French right-wing nationalist politician and the founder and president of the…

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