Smith’s Report, no. 147
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By Bradley R. Smith ∙ January 2, 2008
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By Thomas Kues ∙ February 22, 2008
In contrast to Treblinka and Belzec, there (allegedly) exists no surviving witnesses from the “death camp proper” of Sobibor, usually designated Lager III. However, from among the fifty or sixty survivors of the October 1943 prisoner revolt, we have a number of accounts in which the witness claims to have had access to privileged sources…
By Thomas Kues ∙ February 16, 2008
Most of us are familiar with the peculiar fate of Moshe Peer, the young boy who survived six gassings in a gas chamber in Belsen (as related in the Montreal newspaper The Gazette, August 5, 1993), or with Arnold Friedman, the man who survived a gas chamber in Flossenburg (likewise unknown to historians) by means…
By Paul Grubach ∙ February 8, 2008
Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 February 8, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, As you are undoubtedly aware by now, Holocaust revisionist scholar Dr. Robert Faurisson will probably stand trial for comments he made at the Iran Holocaust Conference of December 2006. Allegedly, he violated France’s Gayssot…
By Thomas Kues ∙ February 5, 2008
Frank Stiffel is not a very well-known "Holocaust survivor". His testimony is rarely referred to by orthodox Holocaust historians, if at all. Still, his memoirs are of interest to those researching the alleged mass extermination of Jews during World War II. First, because Mr. Stiffel claims to have survived Treblinka as well as Auschwitz. Second,…
By Thomas Kues ∙ February 5, 2008
Yitzhak Arad's use of Gerstein Yitzhak Arad is the author of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps (Indiana University Press 1987), which is arguably the standard work on the three Aktion Reinhardt 'death camps'. In this book Arad spends a short chapter on 'The Mission of Gerstein and Pfannenstiel', wherein he quotes a…
By Bradley R. Smith ∙ January 1, 2008
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By Paul Grubach ∙ January 21, 2008
Dear Friends,
By CODOH ∙ January 19, 2008
“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell An Austrian court has sentenced Wolfgang Fröhlich, a former city councilor to four years in prison for Holocaust denial, adding another two-and-a-half years of a previous suspended sentence. Fröhlich pleaded “absolutely not guilty.” He had already served 23 months behind bars since 2003 and was quite…
By Paul Grubach ∙ January 15, 2008
Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 January 15, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, It has been reported that revisionist historian Robert Faurisson will face trial on charges that he made statements at the Iran Holocaust Conference in December 2006, which cast doubt on the so-called Jewish Holocaust….
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