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Why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers?

Dear AnswerMan, Since you deny that the Holocaust happened, why don't you accept the label Holocaust deniers? Sarah Delillo AnswerMan Replies: Answerman has already responded to the first part of your question, under the post, “Did the Holocaust Exist?” The second part of your question turns on the revisionist rejection of the term, Holocaust Denier….

Why is it so difficult to perform demographic analyses?�

Dear AnswerMan, Why is it so difficult to perform demographic analyses on East European populations? Rosa AnswerMan Replies: There are four main reasons why it is not possible to perform reliable demographic analyses in East Europe for the 20th Century: the poor quality of Soviet censuses, the constant re-drawing of national boundaries which makes it…

Pope Pius XII and the Jews

The following are what I consider some important points in the behavior of the wartime Pope Pius XII in relation to the Nazi persecutions of the Jews. The rough situation is that, while the Vatican aided Jews, especially Italian Jews, Pius XII was relatively silent about “extermination”. My explanation for this silence needs no lengthy…

Auschwitz Commandant Confesses to OJ Simpson Murders & Elie Orders a Whopper

OJ Simpson Pronounces Himself “Vindicated” But Still Cannot Spell It June 9, 1998 (from wire services) In a startling new development, the former commandant of Auschwitz has confessed to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in June, 1994, in a signed confession found on the grounds of the Happy Hunting Golf Park…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Certified True CopyReference no. 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96 Mr. Carlos Whitlock PORTERNiveze Bas, no. 112,B-4845 SART LEZ SPA Belgium [stamp: Effective as of:Munich,Clerk of the Court] Born on 06.03.1947 in Pasadena/United States of America, stateless. Order of Punishment Inquiries of the State Prosecutor's Office have revealed the following: In August 1996, with intent to…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

What would happen in an American criminal court if you asked for a new trial date on the grounds that you had previously been unable to appear due to radiation burns suffered while experimenting with an atomic bomb? If you were on trial for murder, a psychiatric examination would most certainly be ordered. In any…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

On 5 December 1997, the court rejected the defendant's defence of justified absence due to pedal-driven brain-bashing machine induced injuries, partly on the grounds that he had failed to specify the exact date of his injury! How stupid can you get? He was given one week in which to object, in German. Translation of Judgment…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter�

Mail-Order Justice: Punishment First, Trial Afterwards Reply to Lower District Court Subpoena – Revisionism Translation of Judgement: Revisonism, Failure toAppear Opinion of German Defence Attorney Answer to Subpoena of May 22, 1997 Replies to Subpoena of 22 August 1997 Replies to Court Judgement of 23 October 1997 Holocaust Museum of Stupidity – Now Opening at…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Aktenzeichen: 2 Ws 98/98Beschluss von 3.2.98Datiert: 10.02.1998—2 Ws 98/9818 Ns 112 Js 11637/96 StA b.d. LG München IIII BerL 117/98 StA.b.d. OLG München Geschäftstelle des Oberlandsgerichts MünchenJustizbebäude Nymphenberger Strasse 1680097 München Richtern: Dr. Glueck Mallwitz Seul March 1998 BY FAX Final Statement to the Court May It Please the Court: In civilized countries it is…

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