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Polish Editor Faces 23 Years for Publishing 66 Questions

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Warsaw City Procurator filed felony charges against Adam Gmurczyk, the editor of a Polish socio-political monthly, Szczerbiec (shcherbyetz), because it published a translation of the pamphlet, 66 Questions and Answers on the Holocaust. This pamphlet was first published in the early-1980s by the Institute for Historical…

Butz and “Pop the Top”

On 1 May 1997 I read, in the Chicago Tribune, of a strange project in a junior high school in the small town of Mahomet, Illinois. A social studies teacher had given his students the task of collecting 6 million tabs from the tops of soda pop cans, in order to get “children to fully…

Action Report no. 12

Published by Focal Pointfor David Irving's world-wide legal Fighting Fund (DIFF) Update AR #12 – July 20, 1997 Highlights of This Issue The Faking Goes On: Auschwitz being “Reconstructed” “A Radical's Diary” David Irving: That Swiss Gold, “You Gotta Hand it to Them.” When an Auschwitz “kapo” is allowed to talk to German schoolchildren. How…

The Horned Visions of the Holocaust (traduction)

The “Holocaust” of the Jews is a fiction. The number one historian of this fictitious “Holocaust” is the Jewish-American Raul Hilberg. Its number one witness is the Slovakian-British-Canadian Jew Rudolf Vrba. The bible of the “Holocaust” religion is The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. On examining these three sources closely, one realises that in order to…

A Political Prisoner in Israel

“The question is not whether I can bear it — but should I?” July 14, 1997 Salamat! My name is Fadia and I am a student at the University of California at Berkeley. I just chanced upon your page and was really impressed, especially by the breadth of articles you've posted. My uncle, Wissam Rafeedie,…

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