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Zündel Headquarters Torched

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The headquarters home of Ernst Zündel, the German-born Canadian resident who has for several years directed a world-wide revisionist campaign from Toronto, was severely damaged by fire after an unknown assailant doused the building with gasoline at five a.m. on May 7-8 and set it ablaze….

A Victory for the Revisionists?

The cover of the June 27-July 3 edition of L'Evénement du jeudi includes a picture of Abbe Pierre and has as its headline: “The Holocaust: a victory for the Revisionists.” Inside the journal some 10 pages are devoted to this story [p. 16-25]; as well, there are references to it appearing on pages 3, 5,…

The Horrible Scenes of 1945

A little book making clear what happened at Belsen, in the catastrophic typhus epidemic of 1945, was published by Derrick Sington, the British officer to whom the German commander surrendered the camp: Belsen Uncovered (Duckworth, London, 1946). While Belsen was captured by the British, Dachau was captured by the Americans. The situation, overwhelmed by catastrophic…

In Our Hands

One isn't supposed to say this, but many people believe that Israel now holds the White House, the Senate, and much of the American media in its hands. This is what is known as an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. The odd thing is that it is held by many Israelis. In an essay reprinted in the…

An exchange between Dr. Fredrick Toben and Jamie McCarthy

An open letter to the Director of the Adelaide Institute, Dr. Frederick Toben by Jamie McCarthy, Nizkor Hello, Dr. Toben. I have just stopped by your home page: [now at] …and I would like to make two initial comments on behalf of the Nizkor Project. Our home page, by the way, is:…

Not Only Deir Yassin

The following article (3160 words!) was published in the Hebrew daily Ha'ir on 6 May 1992. It contains new revelations about war crimes committed by the Zionist forces in 1948 against Palestinian Arabs. There are a number of reasons why the publication of this information is important: It shows once more and through the pen…

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